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I know someone who got the vaccine twice and she says "i won't get the computer chip in my body! its the mark of the beast!".
She doesn't understand that the vaccine was the mark of the beast, we couldn't buy things if we were unvaccinated, just like the bible said...


I don't really engage with the spiritual side of the anti-vaccine campaign, rather I just do not trust big pharmaceutical companies or the government, and if they're going to try that hard to coerce me to do something that's so obviously wrong even at the surface level, not doing it is the correct choice.


OP is a vaxxoid well poisoner, trying to make his opposition (those who distrust big pharma) look foolish


OP is a faggot


lol no refunds!


It's both spiritual and scientific in nature though. You don't have to be a Christian to agree. Vaccine is demonic and it contains a demonic-looking robotic worm in it too.


>Robotic worms



>you are le schizo
Not an argument. Yes, vaccine has robotic worms in it, parasites. They react to bluetooth and wi-fi too.


Take your meds dwarf.


Vaccine has robots in it, it is used to control the vaccinated via 5G. Accept it and move on.



Are the robots in the room with us right now anon?


File: 1722790317125.png 65.24 KB, 830x1527, Vaccine Implants.png


Go back to /x/.


It's like you've taken every popular conspiracy theory of the last 5 years and smushed them together into one retarded schizophrenic delusion. I'm not sure whether to be impressed by your creativity or saddened.




paranoid skitsofrenic


You're the one mindlessly following trends and believing literally everything you hear, no matter how stupid it is.













>mindbroken by schizos
Who's supposed to seethe here?


>mindbroken by paranoia
Who's supposed to seethe here?


Yup... Checks out... Schizos live rent free inside your head.


they dont, theyre like people with down syndrome or something, its funny that they think the world is tragically fucked because its merely a projection of their mental and physical wellbeing.


Didn't read.
We ravage your head 24/7 and you know it, you are just in denial, otherwise you wouldn't react in the way you do. You can't get schizos out of your mind. Maybe you should take YOUR pills, huh? You paid Shlomo a good amount of shekels to get them after all.


the fuck are you talkng about lmao
>You paid Shlomo a good amount of shekels to get them after all.

that literally never happened skitzo, see this is what i mean, you paranoid retards are hilarious


You are projecting and scared. You are scared of truth.


im not, you are destroying your own sense of security and hope


I am very much secure. You clearly aren't given your reactions.


File: 1722949261904.jpg 79.28 KB, 894x960, 1713858225421.jpg

>Didn't read.
I see you are in the 21% club. It makes a lot of sense.


Rent free.


secure enough that youre crippled by paranoid delusions you couldnt brush off even if you tried




ok skitzo


gay thread

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