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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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working class hero with true wisdom of the soul



he browses the google images to like connect the dots

hes got that street smarts and sincerity


what are you on about?


that the video in OP is retarded as fuck.


so uhhh what do you do with this information?

show your water happy images before you drink it?



ur trolling


Reminds me of that one image with trees and human beings. I will post it when I find it.
Pagans were right.


no im not


File: 1722755390475.png 91.16 KB, 640x753, trees and us.png


Time to connect the dots, goyim.



the point of this pic being?


what absolute nonsense


That people, who believe in muh technocracy and le science are BTFO by default. Humans can't be separated from nature and everything around us is sentient and alive. Plants are smarter than niggers too >>84566


What an odd j*wish view. Nature is God's creation


It is, but not the creation of a jewish god, certainly. He seems to hate nature a lot.
So much so that christians were cutting down sacred groves of pagans all over Europe and promoting their schizophrenia, while inviting jews as bankers and allowing them to interbreed with traitors from tribal aristocracy. I mean, look what happened to Germanic Saxons, Baltic and Slavic pagans after Charlemagne and glorified Teutonic golems got their way and allowed the jews to entrench themselves there. Complete erasure of cultures and aggressive urbanization, turning the entire area into feudal goyim farm.


File: 1722789070606.jpg 304.89 KB, 1080x1646, oie_qNnKWMSKezDZ.jpg

cry more
cry more




we should freeze some water that's been in methvid's house and see how many nigger erections it makes


shut up


why should I shut up? you gettin too horny?


no, why have you been harassing me with this for years now?


I don't think thats "memory", water doesn't have a mind. Sounds like quackery.


Japanese Masaru Emoto has written a book about water memory. It has been subjected to a certain amount of criticism.


>my impact of the world is negligible, i cannot one up my predecessors while living in a marshmallow bubble, but wut if
>water was not a parasitic amoeba, minerals and sewage and roadside pollutant soup but a being that loves me
>wilderness is not a cold damp place for most of the year that eventually induces bronchitis and scurvy
>industrial processes are bad instead of maxxxing out human lifespan, iq and height by dozens of % within a few decades
>tribalism isnt extremely savage and violent dogpack rapey form of existence but a happy psytrance shrooms soycialist commune
>thirdie dictatorships of jewish mischlings strongman ruling over damaged bugman societies with gypsie thief tendencies are cool and admirable

ppl to retain their sanity and self-worth need to believe in a simplified, more positive, vastly less hostile bubble model of the world

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