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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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redpill me on the origin of our species


50,000 years ago an ayy lmao raped a nigger and made an asian, then 40,000 years ago an ayy lmao raped an asian and made white people


ok so basically


niggers are what you get when a human fucks a chimp
chinks are what you get when a human fucks a baboon
jeets are what you get when nigger fucks a chink
jews are what you get when a human fucks a nigger


shut up sociopath


what about mexicans




No one knows for sure. There were no historians then, and myths and legends about the origin of people were often exterminated in the religious struggle.
It is possible that different groups of aliens from other planets with their genetic engineering took part in the creation of different groups of people.
Maybe humans were genetically engineered from apes to work in the mines.
By the way, nothing prevents some groups of people from living for five hundred years like Greenland sharks do. It's possible with a good human genetic code.
It's not done en masse because slave miners didn't need to be given such a gift, the aliens thought


nah, ur mum fucked a nigger

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