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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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roast me


His parents roasted him by giving birth to him. No one can ever own him so hard.


0/10 actually try next time


I remember playing minecraft with him more than a decade ago. It's a shame he degraded morally to such an extent


Try not breathing.


He's always been a little bitch. He solidified Wizardchan as a perpetual joke to this day.


heres the eternal fattie nolegs thread on wiz


>certificate STILL not renewed
Who is the stupid fucking Brazilian huemonkey running this crap now?


Watched this like 3 weeks ago, h'why'd he do it? It's pretty embarassing. Just looks like he was strapped for cash.


Is that the interview where he does a weird accent?


Never mind, it's not.



enjoy your honeypot KIKE


fred is based


When fattie-no-legs dies he'll be known as DEAD-FRED!


wow good one, how long did that take your fat brain to think of?








You could literally roast this sack of shit like a rotisserie chicken.


Indescribably true.


Crippled cucked faggot.


shut the fuck up shrimp dick


meth'd out kike


Cry more, midge-shielding nigger-loving cuck faggot.


youre a fag


Screech harder, autistic impotent cuck faggot lol lmao


buzzword andy


Circumcised shit-huffing autist.


im uncut and have never huffed shit, stay mad


Unsurprising you misuse the retard term buzzword. You're a retard among retards. Extremely gay, too.


im not, i love women and find them sexually attractive

you on the other hand not so much, i mean what self respecting gay man automatically resorts to comments regarding gay behaviours?

i think youre simply insecure, closeted and unaware of how you come across online, you probably wrap it up in a veneer of trolling but the truth is, by definition alone, youre the gayest person on this entire website


I wonder if he took the death shot


>what self respecting gay man automatically resorts to comments regarding gay behaviours
Nice Freudian slip, closeted faggot


addresses the mistake in the post yet not the other part where their faggotry is explained in detail

lol coward


It's unnecessary to, autistic faggot retard. It's clearly projection once you slipped.


whats this then if not projection


let me guess faggot, only other people are capable of projection

inb4 more homosexual projection


It's calling you what you are: a faggot. Sorry you slipped up and confirmed it, better luck next time faggot.


shut up gayboy

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