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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1724137422473.jpeg 152.38 KB, 750x516, IMG_6196.jpeg


Why would I ever come back? I can’t do better than what I got from you guys lol. Also I was gonna compliment you for being cool but… apparently not. So be it. Farewell.


File: 1724137626866.jpeg 511.42 KB, 750x688, IMG_6197.jpeg

To noncery and beyonddd!


Because posting AI-generated images of little girls in vulnerable situations to """bait"""" is "peak cool". Eat shit and die, freakish faggot.(USER WAS BASED FOR THIS POST)


Fake girl
Obviously fake, stupid situation
Obvious troll
You fell for it which wasn’t even the point
Also the funniest thing was the pic was up for so long
I am told the pic is so clearly offensive
Ok fine so why keep it up for so long and then say oh it will be up for ANOTHER day!
You mods are obviously free to run this place as you wish
I was just having a bit of fun


commit suicide


u can't post realistic depictions of the underage in risque ways or worse ("fake cp") or the web host will kick out hdv its dat simple. i told u dis b4. how cum the other (gay) pedo on the site "redx" >>85352 can grasp dat but u cant

>I was just having a bit of fun

ya but uve done dis b4, i kno who u r. dont act like u dont kno wats allowed especially on wat u call de "clearnet", i remember u explaining to us bout bbs and tor. u hav a dangerous addiction and lack of self-control dat will get u in a lot of trouble one day. and ur not part of de mega rich or powerful men (epstein flight log etc) only dey get away wit child trafficking/prostitution scot free, u wud end in prison


Omg guys
I apologize
I have autism
You guys are normies
Please don’t claim to have autism
You don’t know how bad it is
You don’t know the pain of true autism
What I found funny, you found offensive
“How dare you do that???”
Yes you are right
But You don’t get it
We experience different realities
What you see and what I see are different
Anyway, farewell
I will try to control my autism


i can believe ur probly autistic cuz of ur love doll collection, liruposting and weird posting style but dont use that as an excuse for ur fucked up fetish/addiction (the worst kind thats illegal and unethical) and posting stuff that cud get us all in trouble. so no don't "control your autism", that's not the problem at all, go get rid of illegal shit u hav and stay away from it forever. if u dont do this u will end up in prison eventually cuz of ur moronic actions. go do other things that autists do like playing pokemon go or something


eternally retarded

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