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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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you guys ready for fall?


Please keep the nigger memes contained in one thread.


cry about it faggot


Aren't you a little bundle of joy...




>cold weather
>time with family
>change of atmosphere

its a cool time of the year


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Two repeat threads at once.


permaban me already


rappers doing their tribal skibbity zubbity beep bop zambo routines are the flamboyant loud cheer-leaders & homosexual rent-boys for criminals

back in school some of them bullied other kids out of fag feelings of frustration & abusive alco-daddy issues

crime & prison is not glamorous and cool but gay and dominated by aggressive faggots, so is the military, more people should be consciously aware of that

nothing is more cringe than seeing a 40 year old euro wigger manlet dressed up as a teenager for a summer festival in an euro world heritage town there to rap about husslin on streetz to pasty euro hwite couples who brought their keedz who are the biggest fans of the manlet


I can't wait for the weather to finally cool off.


Weather just started resembling fall around five days ago


youre a pedophile, nothing you type here matters


skimminy basin


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boy cant wait for months of snow mud ice slurry and darkness

but i am prepared this time

no more waddling like a 🐧


>boy cant wait for months of snow mud ice slurry and darkness

This but unironically. I've learned to enjoy winter.


Having a party van show up is GOOD, RETART!


Alright. I remembered that HIV pinned thread thing the other day. Deleted my comment.


Please do not harm children. That causes them to develop mental problems or specifically to fag/troon out.


that wasn't hiv it was for liruposter who taunted a mod and posted realistic ai-generated little girls in bikinis IIRC

now he's gone mad with AI and has recently been posting ai-generated liru slop in his liru thread instead of real liru fan art, his standards have dropped:



is sniley the liruposter?



I would never harm a child! I guess you don't know who ppl are on the internet, but you don't need to tell me that, I love children more than anything really. Thoughts of children have been the thing that has kept me alive during my hardest times.


I wish niggers turned orange and died every year


I agree.


show me on the doll where they hurt you




There xhe goes, defending niggers online again. Slurp slurp slurp. Avid Nelson the BBC slut.


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product review dont buy these whimsical things but their still kind of cool

pros: safe nice grip even on tip of the toe when running on a thick packed hard snow ice sludge, doesn't fuck up the movement on asphalt or in snow, kind of heavy - ~0.4kg per foot - that's not a minus for running outside will help with that carb gut wateloss

cons: another chink imitation of something that works or just likely a half-baked design. nuts on the nail-screws become lose in like an hour and need to be fastened every time, wouldn't be suitable for long hiking or anything like that. lost some of deez nutz couple days ago because i didn't fasten them the first time (the screws seem to be size M4, flat tip, philips D 4 P ~0.5-0.7 L 19 K 1.1 DK 7, tip filed down conical). the included screwdriver is made of clay. the plastic buckles immediately disintegrate on pulling the straps too hard so need to be replaced with something stronger (there are steel ones on ali but i dont want a diy "project" fuckthis)


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these ones are better than nothing, but stability balancing on those metal things on hard surface is meh kind of wobbly and there is nothing supporting or gripping under the toes so not safe enough for running


How did I miss this comment. Anyway I've actually been marathonning the ll cool j song from deadpool 2 final trailer.

Mama said knock u out! HOA!


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you retards looking forward to Christmas (minus smiley for.. obvious reasons)


it hasn't snowed here yet, hopefully we get at least some snow on Christmas


Yeah, I like christmas.


it's been pissing down all day when it should really be snow or some shit I'm starting to think global warming might be real


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Only eight more months left until best season!

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