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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.85933[Last 50 Posts]

Things you may not have yet realized about JD Vance:
He was born in 1984, you're older than him.
He was 15 years old when 4chan was founded.
He first heard about 4chan when he was a college freshman.
He is an oldfag and knows more memes than you do.
He started the first habbo hotel raid
He painted the n world on drawball
He got the 42m GET on /b/, but it was nothing special to him since he always gets doubles
His posts on /n/ were why the FBI (at the direction of the Obama administration) told moot to shut the board down
He is the author of the Ken-sama copypasta
If elected his first act will be to bring back snacks















JD Vance was a prominent poster on 4chon.net, but you'll never guess which one



















Heh pretty funny












>retard makes a post he later retracts on Twitter
>normgroids like [redacted] believe it and spam unfunny normgroid memes anyway
smh, just smh




You're so autistic that if you hear a knock knock joke you think someone is trying to rob you.







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Is that the crip-walking heritage fair guy?


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That's jd Vance.


Trips of truth.


Triple trips of truth.


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>sheeeiiittt muffuggin jd vanse triggers me all up in dis beech



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he fucked couches cuz his dick is too big for most women
he married an indian because yoga pussy stretches real good

JD Vance has an enormous penis


Avid. Always thinking about cocks.





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JD Vance takes chocolate milk away from his child.


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JD Vance tells son to shut up and publically shames him in interview.


Person asks JD Vance for book refund.


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Photos surface of JD Vance in drag.


JD Vance shows the public the food that fuels him and the campaign.



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love this representation! he definitely has autism!

I'm back on the trump train!



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An educational video about donuts for JD Vance. It was created so he doesn't embarrass himself at any donut shops in the future.


Screenshot the video maker asked JD Vance to take, if he didn't know how to take a screenshot... here's the educational photo about the different kinds of donuts.


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You're not even from burgerland and can't vote here, troll. Vid related is (you). YOU DON'T EVEN GO HERE!



>>86055 (checked)
I'll be committing voter fraud and casting several hundred ballots for mr vance



Faggots are never funny on purpose.




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Talks about "no more pokemon cards" during a speech. Uh okay.


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"ordered a whiz wit — or, for non-locals, a cheesesteak with Cheez Whiz and fried onions."









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Vance sucks, Trump sucks, Harris and Walz suck, Democrats suck, GOP sucks. Americans suck and act no better than livestock so they can get fucked by a treacherous government. End the massive welfare spending and let all the useless eaters die.


I'm an american.


Me too and I hate all the fat, useless nigger-loving faggot retards in this country. Fuck their sniveling little rat kike masters as well. Election is essentially just two pieces of shit arguing about who loves trannies, shitskins and Israel more.




American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers


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>date night fits
The only "dates" she's getting are some niggers with an SSBBW fetish which for some reason is common in their community. She probably knows that and has a nigger fetish.



this is you


dayum avid gettin chonky



that fictional british guy who licks nigger erections and just generally shits up the board


never heard of him


He's 4chon's Sasha grey. He's constantly getting gang banged down his throat and up his boibucci. He loves it and we support him following his dreams.


i dont know who sasha grey is


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Use a search engine.


whats a search engine?


the thing avid uses to find new gay porn


again, who is avid?


Clearly it's you, dumb fuck.


In retrospect, not entirely sure why the schizophrenic trump-whore is crying about Vance so much. Yeah, he's a fag, but so is Trump. Were you expecting to be the reality TV prez's running-mate?


Word salad.


You're butthurt lol


Your spiting out word salad. That has nothing to do with butthurt. Nobody understands you. Get over yourself.


You should try not taking several pills every day, then maybe the text on your phone screen won't look so loopy.


Enjoy your LARP.


Please make a thread specifying why you hate your boogeyman.


cam on m8 no need to pick another fight in other threads i'm sure she slept away her pms, rite sweatie?


Where's the fight exactly?


The bitch is bonkers, buddy. Look at this trash fire of a thread. It's a bunch of incoherent anti-Vance instagram shite.


Sit on a couch and crack open a cold diet mountain dew. You will be feeling better in no time.


o ok u 2 r just flirting my bad


As an adult biological woman. I will never own cats. I have none and I want none.


Why would I flirt with an empty egg carton?


That way you can call me crazy but you can not call me a crazy cat lady. No cats. Zero. I have and own none. That's my flex. *mic drop*


You shouldn't be flirting with inatimate objects, like a computer. Egg cartons that are empty, hourder.


Sensitive and artistic. That's me. My god, H'what have you guys done to me?



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good album




Oh no she di-in't!


I love her and meatcanyon.




Taylor Swift is an obvious transexual. Taylor is an ambiguous unisexual name, TS stands for transexual. The physiognomy is obvious. He will never have children because he has no ovaries


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Redacted's crush makes another appearance


I call him assmongoloid.


Poor Ron Howard, Amy Adams and Glenn close.


REDACTED didn't make this thread. Idk who the op is.



Is Redacted-chan happy that the premier fempositive rubbernecking imageboard lolcow.farm is back?



I feel like that board is still mostly trannies but they just can't admit they're trannies and they probably jelq to TERF posts fooling themselves into believing real women are berating them.


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Bueno... Oh, hey kid... by the way, just say the word if they bully you again. We look out for our own in our clan against any outsiders. I can beat up several women at once with both hands tied behind my back. Let them pile on as many rabid karens, stacys and feminists against me, they ain't stopping my victory 🦵🦵🤲🥋. Wanna know why? You courageously informed us about being utterly alone and relentlessly abused, rendering you to being rock bottom mentally and emotionally in the past as a kid and about how you don't see any hope of your life not remaining as a never-ending nightmare of suffering, but guess what? You’re not alone anymore. We’re your friends now, and we’ll fight for you. Ain’t no one messing with you on our watch from here on, just let us know. Victory’s guaranteed with us in your corner with the power of friendship. Believe it! 💪😎👊




*Record scratch*
*Freeze frame*
You see that post?-thats how I got my boyfriend-now husband.





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meatcanyon was my nickname in secondary school

that orange geezer has no taste


trying to beat my 3 cocks in 1 anus record tonight, wish me luck faggots


fake avid! my record is 5 in the anus and 3 in the mouth with one in my right hand and two in my left!




orange man GOOD!

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