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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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I want to completely detach myself from every social construct and create a vision of reality that is mine and mine alone, different from that of the rest of the normies, how do I achieve this? I'm being serious.


Take heroic doses of dissociatives and psychedelics and go wandering in Nature


Get thrown in the loony bin and take heroic doses of Zoloft and klonopin every day then tell people to kill themselves because of how well the pharmaceuticals are working.



Create. Art.



this could work, i have been considering putting out some music


Okay. Have fun being ostracized and alienated.


why would i be ostracised and alienated?


That's what happens. Good luck. I hope you like the paparazzi.


thats if i were to get successful, which is achieved mainly through pop music, which i detest


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i make music too. want to do a chon collab?


Everyone wishes you didn't because you are not making music and nobody wants to listen to it. Vid related, you.


You wouldn't be successful. You said it, you implied it...not me.


Some people actually have aspirations and aren't resigned to LDARing while doped up on jew pills in a loony bin.


Holy shit you guys completely mind broke avid I knew the bullying was going too far


what are you talking about?



correction*:LARP ing


I'm not avid but they mind broke me.


Nope. LDAR = lie down and rot.


theyve mindbroken and sissy hypno'd themselves, its fucking hilarious if you think about it




>theyve mindbroken and sissy hypno'd themselves
Oooooh tell me more please. Elaborate. 4chon shits all over me metaphorically 24/7. I don't know why they have a seething hatred towards me but they do.


Didn't ask about avid's occupation.


shut up sissyboy





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Vid related. You.


ive tripped before, its shit


>I've tripped before
Much doubt.




You enjoy getting pozzed in your neg hole.




>i took one too many of mummy's tylenol before, its shit


who are you quoting?


Here’s the thing. Every structure imposed upon your brain is something controlling you. Language determines and limits the possible range of my thoughts? I now think conceptually and non verbally. Cultural history? I read widely, of all religions, philosophies and artistic traditions. I defer or favour none of them. I deprogam the models of thought imposed on me by circumstance and thus create a process where I shatter artificial firmaments which prescribe my thoughts and hem me in, which determine me. This is a lifelong process of total freedom. And what is the most innate, the most basic level of constraint and mental imposition? Instinct. As we meditate to recognise the unconscious patterns of thought emerging from the body and dictating our desires and ideas, so we must also overcome other biologically enforced systems. Scat isn’t just some fetish, it isn’t just some clownish piglike simplicity in rolling around in shit. It’s taking the most basic, the most ingrained, the most innate and instinctive imposition on our minds, disgust at faeces, and saying no, i’m going to completely master my mind and body by actually making myself love it. Total freedom. Total self determination and liberation. If you can make yourself love scat, the most instinctively vile thing, you are at liberty to totally psychically control the rest of your thoughts and desires without outside compulsion- your entire self, lifeworld, phenomenological existence becomes yours to pick and choose at will. It only seems disgusting to you because you let something order you around, tell you what to fear and be repulsed by.


satoko would totally say this lmao


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Vid is me :)

Fair enough, at least you tried it. Mushrooms are cool, I've had a bad acid trip before but never bad mushroom trip


>f you can make yourself love scat, the most instinctively vile thing, you are at liberty to totally psychically control the rest of your thoughts and desires without outside compulsion- your entire self, lifeworld, phenomenological existence becomes yours to pick and choose at will
This is an actually what Aghoris teach. Don't think I could ever master the poop though


>self indulgent long winded narcissistic vomit that nobody will bother reading
>anime pic
why is this combination so common?


Trying to convince a retard like avid to play with feces by portraying it as something people with a strong will do is hilarious.


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>even scat fetishists won't lower their standards for trannies


Is sir reginald brownpill ourguy


you overestimate your abilities


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my piss is dark brown and its epic


Holy shit. You're going to die.


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its the price i pay for epic piss



none of this means anything

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