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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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i have cracked the key to the 'childhood happiness'

the end of which coincides with teenage 'progression' and a desire to be seen as cool

to increase happiness = stop trying to be cool

just look at supermodels and 2cool4u celebrities, they never smile


>2cool4you celebs
The chon is going to need examples.


how about you fuck off instead


There aren't any cool celebs. Got it.


Perfect happiness is attained by relinquishing the pursuit of happiness. Perfect coolness is attained by relinquishing the pursuit of coolness


shut up retard


no its not judai


i cant fucking stand these judaii and their disgusting little retard demonic pathetic brains


JIDF detected. Keep LARPING.


judaii goblin malcontent

spit in your face you vinegar freak


>Vinegar freak
Okay. Retard.


judaii nothing


No boobs open & vageen

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