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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1725917489497.png 151.26 KB, 394x601, 172591742656034242.png


This is a picture of avid.


This is avids voice.


delete this


File: 1725921120962.jpeg 35.34 KB, 540x536, 5c4919ee228c6.jpeg

No u.


>trying to put on a deep voice
>still isnt deep

top zozzle, low T beta


Your voice isn't naturally deep, as was already established. You just have the maturity of a sophomore which is why you can also convince yourself (and only yourself) that you're a big manly adult man for playing Call of Niggers with preschoolers. You may as well play a Roblox shooter at this point.


Never going to catch on lol.


my voice is deep retard, you on the other hand have a little low T boy voice lmao

imagine being that genetically inferior


>being called genetically inferior by some autistic retard whose brain stopped developing at 12
It's like your mouth is glued to nigger crotches or something.


sqeaky squeaker voice, chipmunk andy, heliumtard


You should put "can croak from the back of my throat" on your blacked.com résumé.


>back of the throat spam

this is objectively a crock of shit

with your stupid fucking retard logic, everyone has the same voice pitch, just some people are choosing to speak at a different pitch




>erm thats wrong everyone is monotone ackshually
Autistic beta BBC sissy is coping so hard about her fragile manhood that she loses her grasp on reality.


sissy voiced chipmunktard


Coping gay sperg still trying to ERP.


File: 1725930299270.webp 2.1 KB, 164x250, 1724462182076.webp

boy voiced low T loser shut in catpiss andy


Fruity nonce can't stop fantasizing about boys. I'm not gonna ageplay with you, putrid faggot.


fight me IRL cunt


Keyboard warrior in a tizzy lol.


seriously, send me an @


I'm not gonna doxx myself just so I can shoot you in self-defense lol. Tempting offer, but no thanks.


pussy retard admits he would have to use a gun to defeat me


I wouldn't have to, no, but why wouldn't I use one when I'm not some disarmed cuck living in Currytown?


>I wouldn't have to,

yes you fucking would boy, fucking trust me on that, if we clashed i'd fucking snap you in half


My digits :)


>wrestle with some gay sperg in the grass cuz muh keyboard bushido
Sounds autistic and homosexual (hey, just like you!).

>deal with the problem efficiently and rip the sperg a new asshole with a gun

Yeah, I'm thinking based.






Yes. That's my picture. Yes. That's my voice.


do you have aids?


I regularly get pozzed in my neg hole. Does that answer your question?


you disgusting degenerate

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