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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Old thread was nuked

darkwave encouraged



this is also based


its spandex mesh btw, im guessing like those fake tattoo sleeves you get

heres another example


>make fashion thread
>post shitty fashion
Why are zoomers like this?


avid is gen x


ishygd dress like this.

I assumed everyone here is gen x.



>I assumed everyone here is gen x.
we have some boomers too


im not i was born in '91


1891? damn son!


no 1991


File: 1658850309610.jpg 1.39 MB, 1440x1805, 20220726_163700.jpg

do you'll cowards even plimsolas


Is 96 zoomer?


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3 pics only and all are trash that only a clown would wear
heh nothing personnel, kids...



it goes to the top


File: 1670431509637.jpg 844.93 KB, 1271x1627, Khmer_rouge_clothing.jpg




Bet chonners dress based


god tier


Convince me not to buy the same trainers I had as a kid


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>imeginin 37 year old millennial who may as well be somebody's dad trying to resemble faggy looking 17yo sc rapper twink bottom


millenial (((fashion))) in general tee bee h


You seem upset



I agree, avid is gay


So who is gae


Joe Biden



I had a deathhawk around 2008, surprised there isn't a pic of me on google images. Just like this <


Rate me coat


Based deathhawk haver




>be me
>fight club capsule
>be based

That's it niggers that's all you have to do





Is this shirt a good summer shirt? Is the concealed buttons too formal?


I think that will work for the wet t-shirt contest, avid.


Please actual answers


It's a size L but closed buttons but short sleeved where the fuck do I put this? indie/rock? It doesn't make sense and at 4 quid I think I want to own it, says in the ad it feels silky


Bought this the other day for a fiver 👍 fits great


Honestly guys check out Facebook marketplace for good bargains



I'm confused at this post


What you'll niggers wear?


invaderserrors is kill, IG is wiped and the site is removed, sadge



jo biden is no gay


Joe Biden is a disgusting old retarded piece of dog shit




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4chon posters dress like shit


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Considering trying this on, thinking it might be good for a night out

Good looking model heh a bit sad I'm only 5 10 1/2


I snapped up a used surfboard from a boomer (probs) for like $50 or something, was an absolute freakin' bargain and he gave me wax and fins too (after I bought it). Was considering leaving him an extra $50 under his door but thought that might be insulting or something, his house looked rich and I think he just wanted to get rid of the board. He just left the stuff outside his house and I picked it up.

That was ebay though, thanks for the tip...

And damn you're right I just check fbmp, a ton of cheap as hell stuff there...


i wear anime, band or plain tees and i wear sweatpants or pajama pants. for underwear i wear boxers and boxer-briefs, or i go commando (most often). sometimes i wear socks, but i usually walk around barefoot. i will drive barefoot too, so long as i am not expecting to leave my car. otherwise i wear loafers or slippers or crocs.


>And damn you're right I just check fbmp, a ton of cheap as hell stuff there...

for real, i copped some prada trainers off there for £40


Anyone know a brand of tough boots? I just wear cheap rothco jungle boots but they always wear out after one year of work


whats your budget?


Anything beyond $200 seems unnecessary decadent


do you need steel toe boots?


anyone know where i could cop pants the same as these?


I use insulated belleville 880ST and abuse the shit out of them for at least a year (kicking metal, exposed to sparks, water, snow, mud, and oil), idk how rough on them you are. They're over 200 but they do have a few tropical or hot ones for under that which are probably just as tough but not waterproof.


Ugly "merch"

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