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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Never goon before you jelq!
Always jelq before you goon!


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Can I get uhhhhhh HAWK TUAH? Oh with extra rizzy sauce and uhhhh large Mew Juice!


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Absolutely b*sed


Wait till she becomes an adult.



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Ong I'd rizz up dat lil gyattie.

She zoomer, not alpha. Take a relacky wacky, Jacky.

Kamala Harris lookin ass.


It's adorable how this middle schooler regurgitates the Chinese dream as taught by her public school -- everyone getting wealthy together, holding hands, and skipping off into the sunset of collective happiness. I bet they skipped the part about 12-hour shifts in a factory or how those same 'happy people' are crammed into overcrowded dormitories working under brutal conditions. And speaking of slogans, we can't forget the 996 work culture, where working from 9 AM to 9 PM, six days a week, isn't just encouraged, it's the norm. Oh, wait, most of that wealth is funneled upwards, but we don't talk about that. I mean, what's a little exploitation in the name of 'serving the people' when we can just slap a collectivist label on it and call it socialism? Sounds like ā€˜happiness of the people,' right? Except when the only thing people are dreaming about is how to survive burnout, low wages, or their next shift. But hey, at least we call it socialism so it feels better than capitalism. I'm sure the billionaires in charge are also dreaming of how to keep that wealth gap nice and wide! So yeah, you're right, the American dream can be pretty vulgar -- but at least they're a little more honest about who's doing the exploiting!

China has more billionaires than any other country, with around 900 compared to the U.S.'s 700. But here's the kicker: China's Gini index, which measures wealth inequality, sits at around 46.5, one of the highest among large economies rivaling the US. So while the Chinese dream is all about collective prosperity, it seems like a few folks got a much bigger slice of that pie!

I'm sure this middle schooler hasn't heard of the "lying flat" movement, where young people are so fed up with the endless grind, exploitative jobs, and unreachable goals that they're literally just opting out of the rat race. You know, refusing to overwork themselves to death because they realize ā€˜getting wealthy together' is more of a slogan than a reality.

Ah yes, the Chinese dream, where everyone gets wealthy and happy together -- except for the 30 million excess youth-aged men wandering around due to decades of female-selective abortions. You know, a tiny byproduct of their one-child policy and gender preferences. These 30 million men are now facing a life of togetherness with... who, exactly? With a gender imbalance like that, it's no surprise we're seeing spikes in violent crime, suicides, indirect suicides (alcoholism, "accidents", obesity) and social instability. But don't worry, I'm sure they're feeling totally fulfilled under this collective dream, just like the propaganda promised.

And as for family happiness, well, with record-high divorce rates sweeping the nation, it seems that marital bliss is yet another part of this dream that hasn't quite materialized, especially after importing Western dating/hookup culture. Maybe it's also because people are tired of working 12-hour shifts just to barely get by or because they've realized the reality of a system that's still largely exploitative but just labeled differently. But sure, let's keep pretending this dream is any more sustainable or wholesome than that equally vulgar American one.


I've merely pointed out these facts to /leftypol/ several years ago as politely as I could and they insta-banned me, shooting the messenger, saying I'm an anti-China hater or whatever (I thought Maoist China was pretty based for executing landlords and feudal lords but okay whatever dude). It's fine to fantasize better systems than capitalism (which is guaranteed to end up as neo-feudalism and corporate-bankster rentierism in its latter stages as we can plainly see now unless you're a retarded ideologue, e.g. lolbertarian, or nostalgist for "le better days" of post-WWII JewSA economic boom), but China ain't it, hate to be the bearer of bad news.


leftypol shitters chug kool-aid like everyone else. I used to be infatuated with China. I have some photobooks of pre and post-communist China and they made the place look mystical. I kinda feel bad for the chinaman. Basically every point in history has sucked if you were born there. I think it's still a very interesting place to visit, but it looks like hell to live there.


Something about old Chinese architecture is reminiscent of the insect races from World of Warcraft. Pagodas in particular.


China was an economic black hole under Mao and only "prospered" under Deng whose policies were more neo-liberal than anything else. China has lower taxes and more lax IP laws too. Weird place, probably isn't any more Communist than the US or Europe us, for better or worse


ADV China guys shit on the country nonstop, but they both always speak highly of Deng Xiaoping from what I recall.


>China was an economic black hole under Mao and only "prospered" under Deng whose policies were more neo-liberal than anything else. China has lower taxes and more lax IP laws too.
China would be nothing without American business partnership (especially Walmart and other distributors) following Nixon's and Cartner's massive trade deals with China. The US saved China by normalizing relations and ending their trade embargo against them, whereas they viewed the USSR as a dangerous threat and maintained a NATO-led embargo against them which was likely the main reason for their relatively quick demise. Chinese neoliberalism was enacted as a result of the US deal, which they rightly saw as benefiting them in the long run (or at least for the upper echelons of soyciety), not pre-emptively for ideological reasons. The US can't turn around and do the same thing to China now what they did to the USSR though because they're now the declining empire in terms of industry and trade.



If you're the admin or developer or whatever, don't worry about imperfect posts. Didn't realize it was one of you giving your opinions then deleting them. Just chill out. No responses doesn't necessarily imply no agreements. The USA is hella fucked probably and there is no shame in pointing that fact out. You can vent all you want on a site with your involvement.



The Paul brothers are dads now. Weird.


Loganā€™s first dad lesson: How to film your babyā€™s first steps and monetize it in under 10 minutes.


Unfortunately. That's probably accurate. The family channel saga begins.


One of those assholes has a mint 1st edition holo Charizard slab on a necklace.


Holy mother of autism. That's CWC-tier.


Those things are hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'm jealous.


You shouldn't feel jealous over their sonichu ways. For all you know it's made from a plastic 3d printer and it solid plastic that's spray painted gold.


Gotta admit though, at least China and its media celebrate collective achivements like building the world's fastest high-speed rail and better infrastructure.

...whereas white people celebrate shit like this (and defend it vigorously on white people sites like Reddit and Facebook with vapid phrases like "the past is the past, CHUD"):



that's nothing, she hasn't beaten my record if triple anal penetrations count


if you suck less than a dozen chocolate cocks per day, lower your tone when speaking to me


theres something wrong with you, i see that youre trying to bully me by constantly slandering me on this website but, id like to let you know that i care not about that anymore, i see you for what you are, you appear desperate, deranged and immature, which amuses me, as from what ive witnessed on this site, that is all you have, your identity here is pretending to be me and typing out homosexual comments, i believe that you yourself possible dont know who you are, maybe though you are attempting to try to drive me to commit suicide, as stated in the past my feelings as a result of your actions have been, i see you then as stated above in my descriptions of you with also, you being just a deeply unlikeable person


Does she really want to get an STD?


tldr but still not as long as the last bbc i sucked


why wont you prove youre avid with a timestamped picture of yourself?


i only send pix of my boyclit to handsome black men


you mean youre not avid so you cant


because all i would really have to do is upload a timestamped picture with a new tripcode and all of the people here who know what i look like would know its me and whenever i saw posts from you from then on i could simply ask you to post with the tripcode or its not me


>>88822 (checked)
dubs confirm this is the real avid

the two of you have posted the same number of timestamped dick pics in this thread (zero)


im not sending pictures of my penis, stop with the sexual harassment


still not sending my penis


imagine pretending to be me because youre a forgettable loser with no personality


imagine being this much of a faggot


imagine being FoKvid


imagine being the gayboy BBC spammer


You mean NELvid?


I think he does

yea that's what I was saying, I would kys myself if I was fagvid


thats you though you deranged cunt
your posts here are shit, im the most famous person here, who the fuck are you?
you wish you were me you little retard




are these culture commentator youtube gen-xers completely out of touch about the existence of internet gooner subcultures


no one has an excuse of not having awareness of some sort of bbs/usenet/deviantart/twitter/discord/roblox/kiwifarms anti-social gooner lore in 2024

they must be pretending

still mentally in 2002 where their stupid moralistic republican parents where all wrong about everything and not cool like limp bizkit


im gonna go goon now real quick

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