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Are there similar graphs in countries that aren't as obese and unhealthy as in the US to eliminate comorbidity effect of Covid, like in Japan, Taiwan or South Korea? USA is a country where people will say with a straight face that pancakes, bagels and cereal are legitimate breakfasts and Big Macs, fries and McNuggets are legitimate dinners.


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>Heart attacks are thought of as a disease of age - but new data shows they are increasing in healthy young adults.
>Roughly 0.3 percent of Americans aged 18-44 had a heart attack in 2019, but last year that rose to 0.5 percent, or one in 200.
>While that may still seem like a relatively low number, it represents a 66 percent increase in cases in just four years, which doctors call 'alarming.'
>It also means that one in five heart attack patients are now younger than 40.
>A number of factors are thought to be at play including rampant drug use, obesity, sedentary lifestyles and bad diets. But emerging research also suggests the Covid pandemic is playing a role.
>The virus itself causes widespread inflammation in the body that can damage the heart or lead to blood clots.



Big Gay Andy will clot soon. He is a vaxxoid after all.


Weird how covid is supposedly the culprit but all of the people having their heart explode are vaxxoids afaik heh. Even if Covid does increase inflammation Fauci is now on record saying the vaccine does too, so wouldn't that make it objectively worse


>Even if Covid does increase inflammation Fauci is now on record saying the vaccine does too
Vaxxoids I know IRL have all caught "covid" multiple times, whatever that is


man that science keeps settling huh


It's so weird how that science seems to settle right between Pfizer's profit margins and then starts settling again right after Pfizer made their money.


real brainlet caveman retard hours


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Avid, I don't even mean this to sound arrogant, truly. I don't believe tertiary education makes someone intelligent, necessarily. But I am probably, at the moment, the most educated person on this board in terms of traditional degrees.

When mRNA vaccines came out, I was both skeptical and concerned. Every single time, I was proven right about them. When each study that:
>They didn't stop transmission
>They weren't even very efficacious against covid-19 in young people
>They had concerning side effects on clotting and in pericarditis

Came out. Along with the news that Pfizer put out NDAs on these things, and has frozen as much information as possible.

Unironically, please stop with the retarded one sentence replies and actually educate yourself.


But you did take it.


Leave avid alone!

Leave that cum addicted retard alone...


school that antivaxxtard, dr daddy!


I know you're being facetious, but I want everyone to not forget, because Big Pharma and politicians will try to gaslight you and make you seem like you had a choice, and people will also either forget or insult your intellect if you point out that you were in fact vindicated in your knowledge of peer reviewed, burgeoning journal articles re: mRNA vaccines being at best not efficacious (making it ridiculous to impose emergency state powers over your not taking them) and at worst harmful with ADRs.

I was part of a population that lived in:
>The most locked down city in the entire world (no, seriously, look it up)
>Could not travel more than a 10 km radius unless vaccinated
>Unless I was working, then that'd be okay because you needed a passport and travel permit
>Could not go to the grocery store unless vaccinated
>Had my hours cut and then:
>Could not work unless vaccinated (every three months, despite having a family history of cardiovascular issues), which meant losing my home AND if I didn't work, people being put in serious harm

I did not want to take it. At all. Medically, personally, and politically. To this day, I will never forget what the government did here. I was also honest and diplomatic about my concerns.


>But I am probably, at the moment, the most educated person on this board in terms of traditional degrees.

noone here gives a shit though
>muh vaxxrage

noone cares about that shit either, youre not saying anything interesting
>rushed vaxxine
>bad things happen as a result

thats it, youre grabbing onto the narrative of that because you think its deep and its not


Avid, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you have selective memory? People who did their research that 'bad things happened as a result' were deplatformed, called crazy, fired, etc. It's not interesting now, because the overton window has been moved.


cry about it, thats shit that in the grand scheme of things, doesnt matter at all, i see youve shifted from anti-SJW slop to antivaxx slop, which is funny because youve always been a holier-than-thou loser


Someone is butthurt about having gotten the vax.


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im unvaxxed


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First picture and link, Canadian government admits all cause deaths way higher in zombies


Second picture, unrelated(?) shutting down of Ontario government info source


noone cares


I care about this and find this very interesting


Blimey mate, it's hard to care about anything other than throbbing black willies! Giving New Britons a right proper gobber is all I can ever think about...


cringe samefagging


lmao classic avid! shine on, you crazy gay diamond!

seethe harder, FoKvid! avid will continue to express himself!


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Really hope we aren't dealing with prions. That's full scale ragnarok tier

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