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Hey guys old user from the early 10s here. I only just discovered this place exists. If any of you are the lads from back in the day I hope you've done well in the time we had. I for one never truly believed the world would become this evil and insane yet here we are and its only getting crazier. I hope you're all safe and in good health despite it all. I wish I could go back and do it all again so I could make the most of the comparative innocence of those times. But I wouldn't take back those hours I wasted arguing pointless bullshit with any of you. What I learned from you guys has guided my life to a much happier place than I'd otherwise have ended up. Instead of remaining a nihilistic leftist narc I got my head straight, married a good girl and now we have a beautiful baby together. We are hoping for more. We got out of the cities and are dug in deep. It isn't a perfect life but it is good enough for us.

I came here to ask a question. There was a tripfag on old 4chon called diplomacy. He had a seed or a mega of a huge number of rare books on a huge variety of subjects. Is he still around? If not does anyone still have it? I had it on a USB drive but it got thrown out by accident. I really want it back, I hadnt read even a fraction of them and now I finally have time during baby watching duty. If not all good. I'll be content with having touched base with you all even if its anonymously. Never lose hope lads and remember the time we have is short. Blink and we will all be young fools who somehow grew old. Make the most of it.


Could ask Smiley, he likes to collect a bunch of those ebooks and not read most of them.



Diplomacy is dead actually. Suicide by cop. I don't have his mega anymore sadly.


Good to have you check in, Stranger. Yeah things are pretty fucked up in the world. Quite a few fellas have died here over the years too. Tzif, Diplomacy, Sadcrab, and recently Giraf (only one among them who didn't commit suicide; seems it was a vaxx attack).

Personally I'm doing pretty well, could be worse anyway. I accrued a sports injury from working out too hard just a month ago or so, so I've been taking it easier. No wife or kids for me (I've always had uh...intimacy issues so it probably wasn't in the cards anyway), but I've got a lot of good friends online and off and have still been engaged with my more productive hobbies throughout the years-I've even been catching up on some gaming after many years of near total abstinence on that front as well.

Congratulations on your growing family, glad to hear a couple of us made it in the most important way, at least! Even if its only been a few


>There was a tripfag on old 4chon called diplomacy. He had a seed or a mega of a huge number of rare books on a huge variety of subjects. Is he still around? If not does anyone still have it? I had it on a USB drive but it got thrown out by accident. I really want it back
Anything in that library is also probably on library genesis. I would just go to yandex.com and search for library genesis, then look up any books you want. There's a million different and changing portals to the website because the authorities are always nuking it for copyright reasons

If libgen doesn't have what you're looking for you could also try asking here. Some of us have personal libraries and it's pretty easy to host a file somewhere

>Hey guys old user from the early 10s here. I only just discovered this place exists

Welcome back. 4chon is perhaps the final remnant of the old internet


oh look another one of these threads
>"hey guya i used to post here what did i miss"
>"hey guys i used to post here, whatever happened to..."

everytime typed out in the same way, same formatting and everything

OP youre a legit retard and you are suffering from some sort of memory loss


It's libgen.is these days heh


It's a shame you don't join the lost souls of this board.


shut up retard


Give it time. The human rectum can only take so much of a pounding before it ruptures and sepsis sets in. Avid's quest for larger and larger bbcs to fill his bottom will eventually set him on the path of Mr Hands.


project more


>>90733 (checked)
dubs confirm this site is dead and avid is the only real human poster


Thanks for the leads lads, much appreciated. I'll search the library sites you've linked and maybe hit up smiley from a disposable email. He'll probably just think I'm a glowie though so I'll try to sort it myself.
That's tragic if true. I didn't always agree with the guy but he didn't deserve that. Any idea why he did it? He never struck me as the type.
Thanks mate I reckon I'll stick around.


>That's tragic if true. I didn't always agree with the guy but he didn't deserve that. Any idea why he did it? He never struck me as the type.
I shit you not, he thought the government was stalking him due to his research on magic crystals. I don't think he intended to get himself killed, but he got pulled over and tried to knife a cop. If I can remember his name I could find the article.


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And here I thought the pandemic years drove me nuts, how incredibly sad. Rip based schizo. I'll pour one out for him tonight I reckon.

Then again given how often the schizos have been right lately who knows, maybe he really was onto something. I guess it doesn't matter now does it?


Yeah, he was big into orgone crystals and thought satan had sent witches to attack him. Had all these experiments he did, where he'd set up bean sprouts growing in orgone fields.

It was uh, really something.


I'm not sure it's the mega you're looking for, but I do have one of diplomacy's megas he shared shortly before his demise. It mostly deals with his obsession with orgone and alternative energy. Maybe you'll get something out of it.

It's pretty big so I made a torrent for you.



You are an absolute champion. It was more his stuff on survivalism and self-reliance I was after but that'd be over a decade old by now. I still deeply appreciate you going out of your way for me, a random anon online, more than I can say. I'll dust off my torrent box and boot er up. Maybe I can honour the old nutbags memory by giving his final, lethal obsession a good lookover.

You're a real one anon. Thanks again. o7


Sure. If the torrent doesn't work I can probably break it up into smaller chunks and catbox it.


Also holy shit, that's horrible. None of us are getting any younger are we? Rip to the poor jabby, literally everyone I know got it except for one fellow gigasperg. So many health issues though it seems like some tank it better than others. Already had one buddy drop dead from it the night of his second shot. He was just getting back on his feet when it happened too. Yet another story ended, and another heartbroken family dealing with having pushed a victim into it. He smelled a rat. If only I'd called him a week before he got it, I had a feeling I should but I dismissed it. I'm gonna carry that weight forever.

Sorry to hear of your injury. Make sure you get a physio onto it fast, the right exercises can fix almost anything. You've got a good attitude so you'll make it. Ty for your congrats and take care man.


Was this during the pandemic that this happened? I remember he used to be friends with Strawman because Strawman was Texan.


Just before it I believe. He posted on the 8chan board in his last hours. Strawman confirmed his death as I recall.


if you actually left the houae this wouldnt be a problem


I'm still waiting on smileys list. Anyone got it?


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>literally everyone I know got it except for one fellow gigasperg
I hope you're just referring to outsiders and your wife didn't take it. The same people pushing this poison have also done experiments with GMO mosquitos, trying to eliminate their populations by introducing early onset ovarian cancer genes that activate in future generations

>So many health issues though it seems like some tank it better than others

Literal billions took it, and there were hundreds of different batches distributed to many different regions and demographics. No one has any idea who was injected with what, except for the obvious cases of quick death. I think they gave people many different things


Where's the best spot for torrenting these days? I miss Demonoid so much bros


I continue to use the pirate bay and rutracker, but honestly nowdays most stuff is on direct download sites. Torrenting is a forgotten thing.


His murder list or the gay fanfiction by the same name?


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Keep in mind the Earth is 3D. The reason why modern society is below hell is the actions of the NWO, Jews, Illuminati, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.

Germany, the Third Reich, was historically destined to win WWII. This was decided by the Earth deities. When the evil elites saw this via their psychics and RVs, they lost their minds. Filled with greed and jealousy, they gathered evil allies from all over the nearest dimensions, including the various aliens who had already been interacting with Earth since long. They used a massive amount of negative energy (karma) created through mass murder of civilians during the war, such as the terror bombings of Dresden and downright genocides committed during the war, they also imposed "women's rights", mass immigration and the "sexual revolution" to create more negative energy. Along with this they built various control systems for mind control, "cell phone towers" and "particle colliders". Through this, they stopped the progression of time by the end of WWII. This destroyed physical reality, and Earth no longer had a 3D plane. Humans would not realize this, but they were now controlled by infernal constructs, the "modern social system" which was built at 2D, hell level. Then it descended from there, down below to 1D, the layer of "string particles", and this science became a thing to discuss openly for this reason, as they were trying to find a way to deal with the situation they had created.

After destroying 3D, there is no planet anymore and human life doesn't exist, this is what they did to "win" WW2 and "stop Hitler."



I just found this thread. I was on 4chon from 2011-late 2012ish, I was not in my right mind then so my memory of those times is not good so I'm sorry if I get some of the dates wrong. I lived in the same town as Jesus/TZIF when he died. I am in the process of moving back here/there and am visiting for a few days at my parents (its my hometown I grew up here). Before he died he gave me his email and wanted to chat and maybe meet up. I did not because that was a weird thing to me and I think back then it was not as normal as it is now. I wish I had taken him up on his offer maybe he wouldn't have died. It's crossed my mind through the years quite a few times. I wonder where he lived, he gave me a vague detail saying he was nearby where bellevue medical center is now but I never got to know for sure. It's strange to me thinking that he died somewhere very close to where I am at this very moment and I won't ever know exactly where. Idk why I'm sharing this I've never told anyone irl or online all these years it's a really weird feeling. I dont think i even told anyone on 4chon at the time when it happened. But maybe I did i was literally insane at the time and cant remmeber much. Thank you for reading idk why I shared this


do eet, i tried downloading it and it doesn't work


Welcome back




Omaha is niggerville.



Generally speaking they are kept in this area via redlining. The Hispanics are in Central Omaha


My parents live in that subdivision, I saw that article too so I may be very very close to where be lived


They should put up Negroes Need Not Apply signs in Old Market to make it more authentic.


most faggots move torrenting to telegram which is annoying as hell.

i dont know, torrenting is fucking literally dead now.


don't tell me all of you are terrorgramshit cult or something. why are you all "dying"


12% is pretty low for a state's biggest city

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