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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Are u black enough to dance like dis?


I've never danced in my life. Looks like bullshit for superstitious troglodytes.


Without dancing life would be a mistake

Isn't it a pretty interesting form of will to power or expression of dominance-seeking? I mean even more the gayer one does it


It's "without MUSIC", not dance. I like music. I can bob my head and/or tap my foot to a well-composed/produced piece of music, but that's not dancing. I don't care if whatever made everything dances, but hairless troglodytes ooga-booga'ing in determined or random settings is not compelling, nor is their personal conception of an ooga-booga god either. Also, Nietzsche has only some good ideas. His best idea is to question philosophies as products of their philosophers. That includes himself.


Furthermore, compelling music takes talent. The expert organization of sounds is a far cry from just flailing dumbass hairless ape arms and legs around. Fuck dancers. Kill dancers.


feral whites that acted like niggers-lite, lived in the forests or steppes and had ritualistic, shamanistic dances in europe were far better than huwhites today though
these types wouldn't be taking any shit from authority and just cave someone's skull in before dishonoring themselves and submitting
instead we have literal cattle that doesn't dance and just gets the vaccine like good goyim and lambs of yahweh they are


My entire family is unvaxxed.


File: 1728753111254-0.webp 195.75 KB, 1280x854, germans-dancing.webp

File: 1728753111254-1.webp 172.93 KB, 1077x480, irish-dancing.webp

File: 1728753111254-2.webp 124.67 KB, 1280x713, romans-dancing.webp

File: 1728753111254-3.webp 30.44 KB, 381x392, french-ballet.webp

>but hairless troglodytes ooga-booga'ing in determined or random settings is not compelling, nor is their personal conception of an ooga-booga god either.
>The expert organization of sounds is a far cry from just flailing dumbass hairless ape arms and legs around. Fuck dancers. Kill dancers.
You don't have to like dancing, but you don't know your European roots.


>European roots
Shitskins dance too, so what?


nothing wrong with dancing


You may as well say drinking water is part of European heritage.


>the roots of Europe lies in dancing

you're a fucking retard, we didn't get here by dancing, we got here by hunting and eating


you got here by autism


explain how I got here by autism


you hunt and eat nigger dick

your autistic fixation is on nigger dick


this is such a retarded cope it's beyond me
YES, dancing IS part of European heritage, every european from lisbon to urals did that during celebrations and rituals


>erm ackshually its a tard cope but i cant refute it ill just be angery
You sound like poor genes that would be purged in countless small wars.


Hispachan thread.


Like omg dood we can like tango and have our celebraciones here like omg don't be heckin racist omg espaniards are eh-heckin basado tyler oliviera says trump will let us cumanchos in legally, so based


i am not refuting anything, BUT it's a fact, that dancing is part of European tradition
since you are an amerimutt, you wouldn't understand, this would explain the retardation and narcissistic faggotry, this hellbent and absurd urge on being right, when you aren't, which should be a strong indicator of kike genes too
you are a vapid, self-absorbed vaginal cunt, who would be castrated and sold into sex slavery to suck on nigger erections like avid


He has autism, don't bully the autistic kids.


guess i am a huge sperg myself by the looks of it
my apologies
i am so sorry if i made you feel sad or uncomfortable, it's okay to have your own opinion and view on things that was so-so-so mean and intolerant of me, i hope everything is okay 😭❤️‍🩹 🙏


File: 1728839020932.webm Spoiler Image, 3.35 MB, 1080x1920, 1728838205031376.webm


File: 1728840793823.webm 3.55 MB, 540x960, pixar vaxxoid.webm

>ur vaxxed if u dont like my ooga booga troglodyte fire dance
>ur narcissistic if u dont like my ooga booga troglodyte fire dance
>ur autistic if u dont like my ooga booga troglodyte fire dance
>ur mad if u dont like my ooga booga troglodyte fire dance also sry omg cuz ur so mad sry
To the contrary, I'm very glad I'm not as retarded as you fags. I'm gonna go drink some water to pay respects to my Aryan heritage. Dumb shit I like is based when I make lazy associations. Cue the spontaneous Bollywood musical number sirs! AQVA EVROPA




Anhedonic contrarianism is Avid-tier repulsive. It's not fun to converse with someone like this. At least when Smiley did it there was always some (unintentional?) humor behind it.


>ughhhh u didnt agree with my stupid opinions wholesale UGHHHH ur just like so tedious hmph!
Fuck you for making avid sound less retarded than you then crying about it like I forced you to engage with me and type out these shitty arguments. You could always just quietly butthurt by disregarding my posts and contributing affirmatively to a subject you apparently feel so strongly about. Still not convincing me that dancing isn't for low IQ vaxxcattle.


Have you ever been diagnosed with autism? It's not normal to say things like "all dancers should DIE! Muh troglodytes! Muh Bollywood! Muh low IQ vaxxcattle" instead of simply "I don't like dancing."


You're shocked being referred to as an ape when you act like an ape. Don't know what to tell you. Sounds like it's your first day on the internet (at least outside the MSM walled garden) when you moan about negatively-charged loaded language. Tone-policing is for manchildren.


>Anhedonic contrarianism
I'm actually somewhat of an absurdist.
>At least when Smiley did it there was always some (unintentional?) humor behind it.
smiley you can stop samefagging at any time, although I doubt your retarded inbred little narc brain will let you.

Also, dancing is for women and faggots.


>Also, dancing is for women and faggots.
Show us your dance moves on your youtube channel then.


get fucked, go find someone else to stalk you deranged loser




File: 1728861790428.jpeg 525.64 KB, 2100x2800, Remilia-Scarlet-Touhou-Pro….jpeg

>mfw he's cute


Avid's hole.


it's called the moonwalk, not the moondance

eat shit stalker

fucking hilarious man





File: 1728919745046.gif 685.86 KB, 732x800, 1728833659920410.gif

His hole goes all the way to china.




File: 1728951911822.jpeg 48.6 KB, 640x453, 172895188319636767.jpeg

Wow. It took a lot of dicks to dig your hole all the way to China.


brain broken sissy sitting in a puddle of semen rocking both and forth muttering "cringe cringe cringe dogisaga is cringe cringe cringe" between nigger face fuckings


again, cringe


K i n o


This is like the dancing and being gay version of the meme where you post a guy in a mug shot or with a face full of powder saying "I don't do drugs" (instead, "I'm not gay I swear")

Me irl tho


when retardposter fucks avid we NEED to have this song playing in the background


No, THIS should be the avid 4chon-spreadfuck-retardfuck-assfuck


Without mistakes, dancing would make music


Alright I see how that makes sense. Movement would cause sound xd


I just learned about STOMP the musical. I am blown away.


That looks gay as fuck but also fun. Guessing avid is centre-stage.


He's in the backstage servicing the actors.


I wanted to go to my uni's dance club today but I think I twisted a tricep muscle dancing so I think that plan is off. But also I just really need to move out anyway...


Was dancing so much yesterday I twisted a muscle in my tricep. But then I prayed and it seemed to have healed itself overnight. The power of prayer (to my own deity).

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