cry about it
>>91034yummy brown nipple guy
>>91041i may be a WN, but darker non-white men like him who have brown nipples and brown cocks are my guilty pleasure. a little fun here and there wouldn't hurt the cause
>>91072>>91076BBC sissy samefagging
Everyone is indigenous to somewhere
>>91436>oy vey muh sacred subhuman shitskin retardstheres nothing bad about killing indians, they were living in the stone age until a couple hundred years ago, they're not much different or better than niggers.
>>91603Being a noble savage is GOOD retard!
>>91630Mixing isn't bad or good, it simply is. Anglo and Bantu is terrible. Old Europeans and Aryans was fine eugenically
>>91642Stop it. I can only huff and puff so much
Heh I should just take a screenshot of my whole reaction pic folder, u guys would luv it. But I won't for security reasons
>>91639You can still do that, I suppose.
>>91646Yeah. I would have to check my notes but I think it's like my 5th day on a nofap streak, that would easily be the biggest streak in 5 years. This is pretty amazing I'm feeling really good, its an interesting feeling, I will keep it up for as long as possible anyway (heh @ that innuendo). Will avoid porn for as long as I can...
>>91642>some ancestors produce mystery meat mongrels>current paradigm is a burning pile of garbageIt's almost like these things are somehow related to one another.
Already planned on cremation long ago, but going to remove myself from the scam organ donor registry in case I don't decide to turn myself into unsalvageable mush. Fuck medicine. Big prominent middle finger to everyone involved. Maybe have the fugly, smugly reddit nurses suck my cock next cycle then I'll have a single cell I'm willing to donate out of respect. They can all get sick and die in the meantime themselves :)
>>91647Starting anywhere from 7-14 days of nocoom it feels like I'm going super saiyan
>>91661I thought u were joking wtf but its becoming my real life. Holy moly wtf bruh this is legendary
>>91721Not that I don't want to bang a billion bitches, of course I do, but I gotta plan how.
Feeling like a million bucks rite now watch out worlrd!
I think I need a black gf. The darkness inside me is rising. Abandon all hope ye who enter here