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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1730794799783.jpg 295.2 KB, 1600x1200, 1730794229298396.jpg


Now what is the correct order to eat this?


Hashbrown, sausage, pancakes, eggs, biscuit.


Since when does mcdonalds sell pancakes?


They have since forever, at least in US. Kinda miss the all-day breakfast menu, only thing I ever really liked about McDonald's.


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I miss the dollar Menu. I could survive on a food budget of less than 100 dollars a month because of how calorie dense double cheese burgers are.


At least where I live, mcdonalds burgers are like 6-7 dollars each now. You might as well just buy lunch at a normal restaurant because after you get some fries and a drink it'll be pretty comparable.

Haven't been to a fast food place in years as a result.


Haven't ate fast food since 2019. Not going to eat the mRNA boyim exploder


eat eggs and sausage give rest to hobo

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