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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Now what is the correct order to eat this?


Hashbrown, sausage, pancakes, eggs, biscuit.


Since when does mcdonalds sell pancakes?


They have since forever, at least in US. Kinda miss the all-day breakfast menu, only thing I ever really liked about McDonald's.


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I miss the dollar Menu. I could survive on a food budget of less than 100 dollars a month because of how calorie dense double cheese burgers are.


At least where I live, mcdonalds burgers are like 6-7 dollars each now. You might as well just buy lunch at a normal restaurant because after you get some fries and a drink it'll be pretty comparable.

Haven't been to a fast food place in years as a result.


Haven't ate fast food since 2019. Not going to eat the mRNA boyim exploder


eat eggs and sausage give rest to hobo


Idk but I'm sure i'd be interesting to watch.


Great, next quit watching mindrot gay cartoon ponies


Hashbrown, Sausage, Eggs, Pancakes, Biscut


the ones with carbs are the last.
first get protein eggs and sausage, then the else if you can take it.

I wouldn't recommend eating that many carbs unless you're a bodybuilder.


Those hashbrowns are great. Def those first.


shove it all up your idiot oaf wanker arse then shit it out again and eat that


Fresh hot crispy hashbrowns straight from the fryer.


put your trip back on, avid


half the eggs
one sausage
both hash browns
all the pancakes
the other sausage
the rest of the eggs



The correct order is to throw that shit directly into the trash and proceed to make yourself a real breakfast instead.


Be hungover as shit and you'll eat it.


>drink poison
>eat trash
Checks out


You're never had a relaxing drink in your life and enjoyed some delicious mceee-deee's. Checks out.


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mmm... estrogenizing adult juice and cattle-feed


Alcohol is GOOD... in moderation.

Not beer though. Beer really is estrogenizing goy-juice LOL!


Liquor is good because I can have fun while slowly killing myself.


After the holidays I decided to take a break from drinking. It ruins my sleep schedule.


Just let people enjoy their alcohol and mceee-deee's in peace.

Reality check. You're slowly dying since you were born and you're going to die some day and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. You're dying right now.


its cringe and drunks are cringe


If alcohol is so bad for you then why does it let you forget how awful everything is? Checkmate.


>No fresh fruits, unprocessed meat, or vegetables.
Vomit-inducing Amerifat goyslop, so pathetic and sad to see. Lemme guess, you are also a constipated BBW-Chan regular with dingleberries who doesn't wipe their stinky ass properly?


Europoor jealous of bountiful American food.

>honhonhon, ze americans zay cannot know ze delicious maggot cheese and bread soup


It's shit, but I can't resist McDonald's hashbrowns.


You can buy them in bulk at some grocery stores and deep fry them yourself. They're great.


It's never as good. I probably need to add MSG or something.

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