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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Calling an escort is so much cheaper compared to having a relationship.


Whores are not worth it in the United States. I may as well go on vacation for the price I'd pay.


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For 200 USD, you can get pretty decent service here in Europe. I mainly choose Asian women who recently set foot in Europe.


I'd love to try it if i wasnt such a coward when it comes to women


Prostitution is truly pathetic. Paying with your lifeblood for brief access to a wet hole on a detestable creature. Just embrace celibacy. Having some basic level of self respect might actually make you attractive to foids


no shit retard


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>Hey man in the desert, stop whining about your lack of water!


Truth bomb.


You're not going to die without sex.



You turn into an incel/tranny though, which might be worse.

Thankfully Avid is there to save us all from celibacy, and bankruptcy. Avid puts out for free!


>two child rapists harass trafficked women for likes

he's the sasha gray of 4chon!


You don't believe someone can choose abstinence?


Heard this about Sam, but not Nick. Nick seems to be the most put-together of the main three guys. Only other associate of theirs that seems to have his shit together is Erick Hayden.


It is extremely debilitating to your mental health. It's probably worse than not getting any exercise. This is the truth sex-havers don't tell you.


Most don't have the luxury of it being a choice.


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In truth the vast majority of women are nothing but a curse men choose to afflict themselves with because of biological impulses. Men compete, sacrifice themselves and fight for these unworthy creatures

We do not choose the hand the universe deals to us, and for most men the juice isn't worth the squeeze, nor are most women worth squeezing. Celibacy is more dignified than being a starving dog fighting other dogs over trash


>Celibacy is more dignified than being a starving dog fighting other dogs over trash
Nope it sucks. It is not even necessarily a conscious longing. It is a sub-conscious need. It's like how nutrient deficient children gravitate toward certain food. It lowers your self worth(again it becomes a conclusion without even thinking about it), it lowers your value in the eyes of society. There is literally no benefit to celibacy(except you don't pay the cost of living life, which is just laziness and cowardice and the cost of sloth might be slower, but it's always worse). You can look at the state of your average man to see that very clearly. They are far from becoming some kind of sage. This is not ideology, this is observable reality. In nature the ones who aren't fucking are the losers. They're the inferiors who die off. Plain and simple. There is no reward, being sexless is nothing to be proud of for an individual who can't get it or never pursued it due to their own lack of initiative. Sure it's a great show of restraint if you're swimming in pussy, but otherwise it's a cope, and a very sad one. Mr. God doesn't smile upon anyone in cases like that, because being sexless is a result of vice, not virtue. Thus I believe you are promoting what I consider to be grave sins when you are telling people like me not to have sex. At best you're offering a cope for poor life choices, and at worst you're peddling detrimental advice on purpose.


I guess I can't sympathize. Was never interested in it so I don't consider it a necessity like I would the other things within the same category on that diagram. Obviously it's important because of reproduction.


honest advice: if you want to be a sex-haver, never use an imageboard ever again


All this justification yet you're paying for sex, which is literally just masturbation except you lose money
you're not gaining any social status or renown from fucking hookers, it just makes you an even bigger loser


Elaborate. As far as I can tell what I am not doing is the issue, not what I am doing. My goal is to be fucking bitches in Eastern Europe within 5 years. Money is my only concern in that regard.




I am not only talking about fucking hookers, but it should be suitable panacea. The psychological and social benefits will follow the physical, and it will make everything easier.


Bruh. Why would you go all the way to EE for that? You have whores in Amerilardia for $50.


>You have whores in Amerilardia for $50.
False. You have no idea how bad things really are. Even our low-rate whores cost hundreds of dollars minimum, but the money isn't even the start of the problem. Even the whores here have an over-inflated sense of value. They expect you to dox yourself and provide references, then there's a very likely chance of getting scammed, and a non-insignificant chance of a police sting. Secondly, the women look better, thirdly I just want to get out of US and relax for awhile. With a middling American salary I am a moderately wealthy man in Eastern Europe.


What are you talking about? References? I'm talking about streetwalkers, not internet escorts. The ones who solicit you when you stop at intersections. Tell me your state and I can tell you where to drive to find them.


I'm not doing that since I would like an experience that's actually pleasant. I'm very curious about what you can find though, so I'll have you know I live in central Florida. I don't think whores that cheap actually exist.


Nvm you're not in the right state for that. Your nearby states don't have that scene either. Nothing comparable to LA's Figueroa Street. Unless you're into niggers. I guess you could check Nebraska Avenue, Tampa at around midnight. But it's probably all niggers and trannies, no joke. Are you ugly or something? Couldn't you get plastic surgery like Smiley did, but in Mexico to save money?


Prosties are only legal in Nevada, and you have no safety nets in the other 99% of the country regarding hygiene nor freedom from prosecution. In fact, lots of women work with police to bust retards for soliciting prostitution.


He's a Florida Man. Ain't afraid of small risks like that. HDV and Florida Man should go together to Vegas. HDV knows which streets to find 'em.


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>They're the inferiors who die off
All men die. All things are transient. The majority of men who have walked the earth did not reproduce but many, perhaps even the majority, of them were still of value to their people and the world. You are a cell in the body of your tribe and perhaps you have the opportunity to play a vital role that a breeder cannot

>There is literally no benefit to celibacy

True celibacy of body and mind endows great strength. You yourself can experience this with a single experiment. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose

>being sexless is nothing to be proud of

Pride and shame are both illogical because none of us created ourselves. If you were a foot taller you would probably not be an incel. A single factor determined by cosmic forces beyond your comprehension has determined your fate. There is no pride nor shame in this

>Thus I believe you are promoting what I consider to be grave sins when you are telling people like me not to have sex. At best you're offering a cope for poor life choices, and at worst you're peddling detrimental advice on purpose

Prostitution is worse than masturbation because you pay for it with your blood (ie work hours), in addition to spilling your life essence. You are paying money and degrading yourself for temporary access to the lowest form of woman

Acceptance of reality as it is is the essence of grace. When an old man accepts being old, he is respected. When an old man tries to become young, plastic surgery, creams, etc. he turns into a freak.
When a man accepts being a man he is healthy. When he tries to become a woman he becomes a freak that is far less than a woman.
Whites that act black are cringe.
A celibate dog is a beloved family member, but a dog that masturbates is considered mentally ill and put down

Wherever you are, whatever you are, accept that and peace will follow. Denial of reality on the other hand causes suffering

Is your dog a low value incel?


youre a faggot


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Pssh don't listen to this male karen >>93101 , Florida Man.

What procedures do you need? You like your eyes? Need to fix up pattern hair loss? Extra loose skin or fat you don't like hanging somewhere on your face? How's your jaw and overall smile, got any malocclusion? Extra fat on your body where you don't want it, such as hips? Ears or earlobes too big or misshapen? Nose too wide or crooked? Nostrils too visible? Wanna be a few inches taller? Need more girth and a bit more length via minimally invasive fat transfer? I can fix you up with the right doctors at the lowest pesos.


calling a hunky escort like this is so much cheaper compared to having a relationship


the south korean ethos kek


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prostitution should be completely legal. brothels should be as commonplace as fast food restaurants. it should be an honorable profession no different than massage therapy. legalizing prostitution would usher in a new golden age. everyone would be happier.


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Massage parlors are also legal in RI. I will look into it.

>All men die. All things are transient. The majority of men who have walked the earth did not reproduce but many, perhaps even the majority, of them were still of value to their people and the world. You are a cell in the body of your tribe and perhaps you have the opportunity to play a vital role
that a breeder cannot
What I was getting at is people have a natural revulsion to "incels" and it's not something I believe can be rationalized away. It's much in the same way as how people will always subconsciously hate trannies no matter how much "positive media portrayals" they get. As an aside, breeding is important to me. Promoting celibacy is something I would hypothetically use as a psyop to kill off groups I don't like. "Who gets to have all the bitches and money" is politics at its core when you think about it.

>True celibacy of body and mind endows great strength.

That has yet to be seen, in myself, or anyone in a similar situation for that matter. There are sex-havers who may decide to take a hiatus for one reason or another, but they never give it up completely by choice. It may do you some good, but not me. Anorexic people don't need a low-calorie diet either.

>Pride and shame are both illogical because none of us created ourselves. If you were a foot taller you would probably not be an incel. A single factor determined by cosmic forces beyond your comprehension has determined your fate. There is no pride nor shame in this

The primary point I was making is that being involuntarily celibate due to being a huge loser(by one's own standards) is significantly different than choosing to be celibate in the face of temptation. Much like there is a difference between being a broke bum, living in the gutter, and someone with a lot of money taking a vow of poverty. Imagine a bunch of smelly hobos hanging outside of a gas station, and they're all saying "yeah I'm VolPoor, bro! I could have been rich, but I'm poor by choice!" It is perhaps true only in the loosest sense, in that they can't even be bothered to try making money. It is not virtuous to denounce wealth that you never had. They aren't being spiritually enriched, they're coping. A little discipline would probably do them some good.

Different people require different things. There's a saying that everyone knows, one that I used to really hate. Most people who say it don't really understand it and only use it to excuse their poor behavior. It's "moderation in all things, including moderation"(I am aware that this is allegedly an Oscar Wilde quote, but he didn't come up with this concept). Only when I happened upon a chart summarizing Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics did it make perfect sense to me. We have different excesses and deficiencies, and we require different measures to zero them out.

>Prostitution is worse than masturbation because you pay for it with your blood (ie work hours), in addition to spilling your life essence. You are paying money and degrading yourself for temporary access to the lowest form of woman

I highly doubt this. I would really like to do some studies comparing the Anglosphere to European countries where brothels are legal along some metrics that aren't easy to gauge. Regardless, It's not much of a price at all. I actually expect that it will provide valuable insight.

>A celibate dog is a beloved family member, but a dog that masturbates is considered mentally ill and put down

Being compared to a neutered dog is not encouraging. A lot of things about modern pet ownership is pretty sad, but I digress.

>Wherever you are, whatever you are, accept that and peace will follow. Denial of reality on the other hand causes suffering

Fucking women is in fact highly attainable. Most men aren't "incels" due to circumstances beyond their control.

You know, I find that a lot of the people who preach stoicism these days are not quite correct in their assessment. Desire leads to joy. The Journey is the fun part. Suffering only happens after you get what you want for various reasons(fear of loss, not meeting expectations, ect). Still, they seem to promote against having goals, or against working toward anything, or doing something different entirely, which I think is the wrong idea. I don't know if that's what they intend to communicate, but that's what they do communicate.









My point was simply twofold-
1. Reproduction is not required to be of genuine value
2. If reproduction is not obtainable to the extent and quality desired, then it may make more sense to get rid of this desire rather than strive to obtain it

We're all playing on different difficulty levels. A man playing on normal mode may find reproduction worth attaining. A man playing on very difficult mode may have an easier time destroying desire than attaining [happiness through] reproduction

Personally if I had known how evil the world would become, and how terrible of grandparents my boomers would make, I specifically would have chosen celibacy over reproduction

Anyone who wants to reproduce now in 2024 has their values ass-backwards. Wait until after 2030 and collect warbrides. Until then stop masturbating and attain purity of mind


how do i into escorts?


be rich like hunter biden, pee diddy, donald trump or charlie sheen


You need hand exercises to increase your APM.


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I, at this moment, endorse escort usage.


>My point was simply twofold-
>1. Reproduction is not required to be of genuine value
>2. If reproduction is not obtainable to the extent and quality desired, then it may make more sense to get rid of this desire rather than strive to obtain it

Fair enough.

>Anyone who wants to reproduce now in 2024 has their values ass-backwards. Wait until after 2030 and collect warbrides.

It is unlikely that there's going to be any sort of definitive collapse until we're all long dead. Maybe we'll live to see it when we're old as shit, which brings me to one of the reasons that I do think it's important to breed, a classic one. Who's going to take care of you when you are old? I don't want to be tortured by shitskins at some old folk's home, I'll tell you that much. Secondly, I want people with better sensibilities to inherit post-America. It is an ideal time to supplant the "elites" after they have effectively killed themselves.


>Who's going to take care of you when you are old?
As someone with children I intend to sudoku when I become a senile burden. The childless should act similarly dignified methinks

>Secondly, I want people with better sensibilities to inherit post-America



definitely cheaper these days to hire an escort than a quality chick. women are demanding more than ever these days. fucking cant keep up


sounds like a you problem, I fuck constantly a fresh bitch every night

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