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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1731212827198.jpg 44.44 KB, 668x637, vax posting.jpg


Stop rewriting history.


Preaching to the choir but:
Melbourne and Victoria
>was the most locked down city/state in the entire world, with seven lockdowns
>A 10 km travel radius
>Requiring check-ins at the grocery store confirming vaccination status, meaning you could not have anywhere to eat if you didn't get it
>Every employer mandating you both have it and 3 monthly boosters if you wanted to return to work
>Needing vaccinations or you wouldn't be able to go to the doctor or visit people in hospital
>People who even SUGGESTED protest were arrested, including a pregnant woman.
>The police broke into people's houses, enacting literal force for any form of dissent at these policies
>Grandmothers' heads were slammed into the pavement during protests
>A man's head was slammed into the pavement at Flinders Street Station for merely not 'social distancing'.

Now, you may say 'but normies don't care, and don't remember, and even Victoria is too cucked to change!'. That's not actually true, and demoralisation, like this Twitter post is trying to do. In a recent poll, people were asked whether they would comply if this happened again. The result was a resounding 'no', and people do not trust the Police anymore either.

Force does not mean 'use of violence' btw. If you starve people or life ruinate them/threaten their livelihoods, that is extortion, coercion, blackmail and usage of force. Additionally, if you did not do these things, you would be fined.
And if you didn't pay the fine (a proxy for state violence), you would be detained, with force, by being imprisoned.


hey there ;o
heard from a friend you have a nice thicc brown appendage, is that true? mmm...


Phantasm's appendage is as brown as they come, and his corrupted balls are filled with pozzed vaxxoid goyim-exploding seed because he didn't want to take a few months off work.


There was a nice moralizing video of Australian bogans beating up riot cops, hopefully they make good on that rebuke, but people's memories are short.


Be kind to repentant vaxxoids. There's no reason to cause them further suffering


Guy's name is Piggott heh
It's like a three way slur royale between pig, nigger and faggot.


probably has orcish ancestry


no one was forced at gun point

majority never repented


viruses don't exist. the pharmaceutical industry has no reason to exist.


What's the deal with chicken pox then?



since there is no evidence the skin eruptions referred to as "chicken pox" are caused by cooties, we can throw that theory in the toilet right next to flat earth.


the vaxxoids are literally DEMONS now


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Vaxxoids are zombies. Some are poor, wretched, innocent souls like the children that were injected. Others are in various states of increasing guilt and evil

Those who pushed this poison on others are demons, or zombie demons if they themselves are retarded

Those who created this plan to begin with are like the godhand in Berserk


>The Fallen
>Demon Lords


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vaxxoids are going to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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>still REEEEEing about da vaxxx
y'all are some fags fr fr


vaxxies need to hurry up and drop dead


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they won't tho

>>93333 (checked)
minecraft helped me through the pandemic too


EverQuest is the best game






Heckbound is glownibbas bookmarking a thread


vaxxies are scum



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