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File: 1731715515822.jpg 288.13 KB, 1076x968, butthurt_faggot.jpg


fattie nolegs is chimping out about blumph


Dennis Rodman would unironically be a good ambassador in this particular circumstance though. Fattie nolegs is the ultimate retard.


This tbh. Bro fell off. Hard to believe he was held with such esteem at one point. How the frick did this kid go from where he was to being an obese trans lesbian furfag so quickly it boggles the mind. It's like he got MK Ultra'd or something kek


File: 1731773150669.jpg 129.42 KB, 867x1390, dennis.jpg

thought you were talking about dennis rodman for a sec


I don't even know. His story for why he's so butthurt doesn't even make sense.
>Fattie nolegs sells 8chan to Watkins, because he couldn't afford the operation costs
>Watkins foots 100% of the bill to keep the site running
>Fattie nolegs resigns as admin and stops working on the site's software of his own volition
>Somehow this means Watkins stole the site from him
He had to start a blood feud with Watkins, culminating in him fleeing the country while leaving his Flip "wife" behind, because?


>have a stash of 1000s of bitcoins gifted to you by 8cvck users
>spend all the bitcoin renting botnets to ddos 8chan
>end up needing to live as welfare cheat in cali
>eventually move back in with mom
if he had only held on to a dozen of them buttcoins he would be a millionaire currently


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>How the frick did this kid go from where he was to being an obese trans lesbian furfag so quickly it boggles the mind.
I think I found the answer. He's a druggie bum.


He was always a faggot. He betrayed Wizardchan before he betrayed 8chan.


Hard to see how this person could fall so far. Maybe his crippled body is representative of his corrupt soul.


physiognomy is real.


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It's a shame he managed to drag 8chan down with him. I couldn't care less if hotwheels degenerates into an animal but 8chan was a good website. The last hurrah of imageboard culture.

It's all gone now. What's even left? Altchans like 4chon, lainchan, 8chan.moe etc have like 20 users each. KC is nothing but CP spam since it was taken over by pedophiles. 4chan is full of bots and has a fucking account system, although it's hard to say that 4chan is representative of imageboard culture anymore when every other post is talking about twitter and reddit.

In a large way we can blame that crippled kike for this state of affairs.


The crippled kike's shitty software killed 8chan more than his shitty personality TBH. Constant down time, and slow, buggy posting made it practically unusable. Then he tries to put the blame on Null. Sorry, fattie nolegs, but Josh Moon has proven he can maintain a functioning website, even while being under heavy fire from every tranny and tech company known to man.


Wasn't that technically stee's software? Vichan is just tinyboard but renamed as far as I'm aware.

Also, you're absolutely correct that 8chan's software started to break in hideous ways near the end of the website (which iirc is why we moved to .pl for awhile) but infinity next, josh's imageboard software, was horrible.

Pretty much everything about the administration of that website, from hotwheels to josh to the mods and jim, were bad. It was only the community that was good. There were a lot of good boards on 8chan and a lot of really fun and unique communities.


Wrong. If only you knew, you'd know tinyboard has a horrible design. They tried to take something with poor foundations and extend and scale that into becoming the reddit of imageboards (infinitechan fork).

Why is Tinyboard bad?

• The SQL schema is insanely schizophrenic and practically unfixable because of the drugs Michael was on.

Imagine you have a table that represents the data of each reply to a post, with the following fields:

post_id (integer)
name (string)
subject (string)
sage (boolean)
body (string)

Ok, good start, but it's missing some things, such as number of files, paths to files, flag and so on.

What would you do to fix that?

You can either:

A) add more fields, which has the minor drawback of mandatorily using a dozen extra bytes of space per record because these are all optional fields ("nullable").
B) create separate tables containing those other fields that point to the post_id's in the other table, which has the minor drawback of a performance penalty (generally IO-bound) of doing SQL JOINs.

Almost always option B is considered better practice as it reduces "redundant data", and it still ends up less costly to perform SQL JOINs that exclude irrelevant rows during the query execution, thus retrieving a more focused dataset, instead of doing option A where you would handle NULL checks in PHP by fetching one large table with all the possible data in a single query, then filtering rows in PHP based on whether certain fields are NULL. But honestly, option A isn't really that bad, it's workable and not that much slower even if a bit amateurish by showing lack of experience in database design, and you could always redesign this later to go to option B with an "upgrade patch" for the next major release of Tinyboard/Vichan to transfer the table fields into the new separate tables for the new SQL schema.

So what did Michael decide to do?

He chose: option C) cram a shitload of these fields into a JSON blob, because why not, and cram it all into a string field called "files" for each record (thus being forced you to write several parser functions in PHP to check for and copy each field), as well as some deranged choices like cramming "flag" information at the end of the "body" field (???) that would be later parsed by PHP.

I shit you not, if you query the "body" of a post that contains a flag, you don't just get:

ur a faggit

Instead you get:

ur a faggit
<tinyboard flag>character-anime-frieren-ubel</tinyboard>
<tinyboard flag alt>Character - Anime - Frieren - Übel</tinyboard>

Michael's one-of-a-kind database design already adds significant IO and CPU latency for every single post in a thread that is being constructed by PHP and written to an HTML file, for no reason other than Michael's shroom-induced decisions.

• It unnecessarily uses a PHP template engine called "Twig", adding a complex wall of abstraction between PHP and HTML and making debugging infinitely harder

Everyone hates Twig, you can find countless complaints in vichan's github issues tracker complaining about Twig, I think Fredrick also said it was horrible but it was so entrenched in the design of Tinyboard that it's too late to realistically rip it out of vichan/infinitechan. The two main problems with Twig are that it does a lot of things behind your back because of its complexity and that it's extremely difficult to debug it whenever anything goes wrong. You don't need a template engine, PHP by itself is good enough (and much better).

• It has a shroom-induced design of a custom URL "router" (especially in the mod panel) that no one can understand, even Fred and czaks don't fully understand how it works, that even a 10-year-old could design a better URL router, making extensibility and debugging infinitely harder, seriously, you can find beginner's tutorials of writing your own PHP router that are a million times easier to understand and work better than this craziness that Michael designed

I could go on, but I need to get going now, I haven't even gotten to how bad the caching mechanism is (whose horribleness compounded by the even more horrible SQL schema design), how terrible the design of "mod.php" is and how disjointed it is from the rest of the software, and so on.

Also you didn't mention how Josh's "infinity-next" was actually worse than "infinitechan" (8ch.net fork of Tinyboard/vichan) and could only handle a fraction of the requests per second that infinitechan could handle, which is why it was scrapped in the first place and how Josh was hated for a while for "gypping" the donations to write the failed software that was meant to replace infinitechan. It was entirely predictable with his choice of using Laravel as a framework but that's not the only reason of its slowness, he made countless design flaws that didn't address the flaws of Tinyboard/vichan/infinitechan. Or how you didn't mention that apparently Josh caused the slowdown of infinitechan in the first place according to Ron because of a performance-destroying captcha implementation (though I honestly don't blame Josh for this because it's near impossible to debug, log and profile Tinyboard/vichan/infinitechan because of Michael's design decisions mentioned about, it's a tower built on sand that is near impossible to inspect for issues, it's not surprising this performance issue by this small piece of code was undetected for years).


Interesting. It's been so very long since I did any web development that my memory is hazy, but I think the picture you're trying to paint is clear.

One thing I remember being my main complaint about 8chan/infinitychan, wasn't even the lag and uptime, it was the "flood detected post discarded" error that happened any time you tried to post. Was this due to stee's implementation of the sql database? It tended to happen more often when the site was running slow, so I wonder if the database as being overwhelmed with requests and deciding that it was being flooded.

>I could go on, but I need to get going now, I haven't even gotten to how bad the caching mechanism is (whose horribleness compounded by the even more horrible SQL schema design), how terrible the design of "mod.php" is and how disjointed it is from the rest of the software, and so on.

Even though this is all ancient history at this point, I find it fascinating digging through the dirty laundry of stee's legacy honestly.

>Also you didn't mention how Josh's "infinity-next" was actually worse than "infinitechan" (8ch.net fork of Tinyboard/vichan) and could only handle a fraction of the requests per second that infinitechan could handle, which is why it was scrapped in the first place and how Josh was hated for a while for "gypping" the donations to write the failed software that was meant to replace infinitechan.

My impressions of the shittitude of infinity next were entirely from an end-user perspective. It had no awareness at the time of the technical functionality of the software behind the scenes.

It was difficult to use as a poster. It was ugly, it lagged, it lacked functionality.


Nice transparency and lesson with the long write-up, but
ur a faggit
<tinyboard flag>character-anime-frieren-ubel</tinyboard>
<tinyboard flag alt>Character - Anime - Frieren - Übel</tinyboard>

I'm annoying you or something? :'(


I see, but I'm not going to let the ghost of STEE take all the blame here. It's hard to remember exactly, because it was around 7-8 years ago, but Fattie Nolegs still gambled everything on hiring Josh to write critical software in a small time frame, and while 10k is a fair amount of money, and a lot to take as donations from random users, it sounds like it was probably a pittance, considering the scope of the project and the necessary amount of hours it would likely require to complete. It's a shoe-string budget for hiring a developer over the course of months. It's practically charity work depending on the time involved.




File: 1732153583951.jpg 227.29 KB, 1223x1033, legs? no. anger? yes.jpg


heres one of the legless wonder being angry about a website he produces free content for selling advertising.


This crippled monstrosity doesn't use adblock?


Does seem like the alphabet boys fried his brain with something. I remember he was respectable back in the day on wizardchan, then somehow he evolved into a bara furry


File: 1732154926637.jpg 39.13 KB, 410x575, Copypaste_and_gf.jpg

He was a complete piece of shit on Wizardchan just like he was on 8chan.


He was erudite but far from respectable. He lived in southeast asia abusing benzos and heroin and hanging out with creepy nerds like STEE. Him becoming a furry diaperfag is par for the course.

>copypaste and gf

Calling her a gf is a stretch. She was a notorious "virgin killer" associated with wizardchan who pityfucked him. She had a fetish for men who were virgins.


The filename is just what the retards on ED labeled it. Don't know where else I can get this photo as quickly.


I used to have a nude picture of her that a friend took. Probably long lost now, but she was actually pretty slammable under the right lighting.


Kim Jong Un likes basketball. He actually would be a good pick, because Un is a giant manbaby and his special interest is American basketball.


She had some sort of fattie no legs fetish that went along with her virgin killer fetish... and dumpsterWHEELZ is a furry and the list goes on...


I agree.

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