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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Well, now.
This wasn't the tech utopia you were promised now, was it?


They have been liberated from the burden of work.


It's it? Robots doing all the world while people laze around is classic Jetsons style futurism. Just need the flying cars.

Of course people can't enjoy it. They need to do pointless busywork to "earn a living" and this is somehow very important for "the economy". The only people who seemingly benefit are the 1%ers, and even they only get imaginary numbers going up in a portfolio rather than anything tangible.


>The only people who seemingly benefit are the 1%ers, and even they only get imaginary numbers going up in a portfolio rather than anything tangible.
Money is power. Never underestimate it. Even if it's imaginary, it's the most powerful religion, you can control any homo sapien with it to do whatever you want.


Who watches local news anyway? What person that's younger than a boomer would willingly watch boring corporate propaganda instead of say TikTok where ordinary people (i.e. workers, not employers or "experts") talk about issues that affect them (even if a lot of them are cringe libtards and zoomers) instead of the constant mantras of "THeRe'S a LaBoR SHorTaGE" by CEOs and bankers? I have a feeling these layoffs are more attributed to a dying industry than AI but they've decided to put the blame on the latter.


Unlike soyence fiction, in reality we do all the work to sustain the bloated AI scam for techfaggots to line their pockets. A million billion dollars to keep impractical bullshit on life support, nuclear plants being reopen just to power this garbage. Machines don't keep themselves running, humans labor is required. We're like a bunch of slaves building the pyramids over here while pretending there's an automation revolution. It's an illusion in multiple ways.


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I mean it did automate research papers, school homework, essays, resume-writing, cover letters, etc.


If I made a car that required me to run on a treadmill for distances longer than I intended to drive, then I should probably just walk to where I want to go right? It's better and cheaper to hire writers or write your own essays. I am genuinely surprised that any professor could accept work from chatGPT tbh, because they are really poor in my experience. The users might think they're getting a free lunch, but they're just part of the product. You could get an army of turdworlders to do anything "AI" could do for a fraction of the effort and cost. Simply put, It consumes more than it produces.


>I am genuinely surprised that any professor could accept work from chatGPT

They seldom even read it. Same goes for papers submitted to journals. "Peer reviewed" papers are usually just given a quick glance over, if even that, and accepted or rejected arbitrarily.


This anon is right. AI stans are doing Djinn thinking. Someone has to both power and benefit from AI, and I don't buy the 'it's going to turn everyone into NEETs taking it easy and you're just like the people who were against cars and wanted horses and buggies' narrative.


>huh Q ai platform u say heard so powerful huhuhuhuh

that is a very authentic social media poost

prep em investors in splurting shekels and literary puking and squirting shit at prospects of generating seo filler

ive probly been ignoring and ctrl+f-ing online texts that dont get straight to the point for like 20 years

there are people who actually read "the atlantic" on an ipad with a steamy cuppajoe like in a tv commercial and whatnot, morans


Are AI/automation maximalists familiar with the most rudimentary retail automation of all, self check out machines, and how they're breaking down constantly? Doesn't seem like this shit will ever scale that well if they can't even get something like that right.

Exactly what I was thinking

>sirs, [AI brand] is too powerful sirs, you must invoost

foh jeet lol heh


I assumed the same but unlike you I actually put in a couple minutes of effort to skim through his Reddit history, his Linkedin, he also posted photos of himself etc.


Self-checkout is impossible in America because of niggers lol, it requires a high-trust soyciety like South Korea or Japan


The thing about self-checkouts being down all the time is that the employees are lying to you. Why? Because the anti-shoplifting measures they try to implement on these machines make the self-checkout worthless. Every other customer is going to run into an issue where they get locked out because they misclicked something or double-scanned an item and tried to back out, and then they need to call an employer over to finish the transaction. It won't let you buy stuff like alcohol or cough medicine without an employee to run over and check your ID either. Heaven forbid just letting you scan it yourself! So niggers are essentially the problem, yes, but also it shouldn't be too much to ask that companies take a small loss to maybe provide a half-decent experience to customers for once.
Speaking of self-checkout, stuff like that, ATMs, and vending machines are a simple and efficient way to automate services. You can program a machine to do a specific task, you can program a machine to do a lot of things with user-input, you can program a machine to do a lot of things autonomously with a few sensors that cost pennies, and they are all functional from day 1 with no training required. I can't think of any use-case for "AI" that isn't some kind of decadent novelty.
>"Hmm yes, I will spend billions to get a machine to draw original porn for me"
May as well have a gold toilet seat and wipe your ass with 100 dollar bills while you're at it.


Now they can get real jobs


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Like what?


Subsistence farmer


Only so many of those jobs to go around. Less than 10% of all jobs actually have a point, according to the book Bullshit Jobs (who's author was recently assassinated).

We live in a nearly post-scarce economy, but the system generates artificial scarcity because money needs to keep moving for capitalism to function.


Anyone can be a garbageman or fry-cook, but even subsistence farming isn't realistically viable for most people these days. Truly macabre. These figures are just depressing in general.


>even subsistence farming isn't realistically viable for most people these days
I was half playing when saying subsistence farmer. I know that lifestyle is comically impossible to live legally
>land has taxes
>need a ton of land to feed oneself
>the more land, the more taxes
>land productivity to tax ratio is never realistically feasible
This is why the majority of farmers are all millionaire industrial style farmers

A subsistence style farmer would have to grow potatoes illegally as a guerilla gardener bandit

Subsistence farmers are free and TPTB don't want free men. Our entire economy is designed to produce slaves and kill everyone else through poison and war

>Less than 10% of all jobs actually have a point, according to the book Bullshit Jobs
The system is coming to inevitable destruction. Grow Chinese yams and prepare for the apocalypse


stop trying to dissuade people from buying land kike, all of that is bullshit


He's not wrong. It's not even the taxes that are the problem it's the mountain of rules and codes and regulations that are heaped upon you the second you sign that transfer form. If you want to be a back to nature type you will inevitably be faced with breaking a lot of laws, and it's up to you to decide whether you want to do that.

t. land owner.


JIDF teammates been tagged in


Your reading comprehension and/or intellect is insufficient for following this conversation

>If you want to be a back to nature type you will inevitably be faced with breaking a lot of laws, and it's up to you to decide whether you want to do that
Very true


shut up retard lol


>"shut up retard lol" avid types on his iphone 16, his ruined asshole disgorging a load of nigger semen with a loud BRAAAP


youre literally gay


I'm not the one who is sexually obsessed with licking nigger erections.


I'm not, you however are quite literally the only person on this board who ever mentions anything gay, this is a fact, you can deflect all you want but posters here know the truth

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