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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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guys i cant stop punching lampposts and my hand hurts so much


uh, based?


i just went outside and punched another
thats 5 so far today


Thank you for your service fren. Those lamps never stood a chance.


I hope you are wearing boxing gloves.


I hope someone puts epoxy on your eyelids while you're sleeping.


File: 1732499103434.jpg Spoiler Image, 59.29 KB, 850x850, 10292-eti-topkek-fruity-46a….jpg

cry about it


Gonna go down to the social worker office and brag to fat, middle-aged women about how good you are at punching lampposts, retard?




Not really, considering I'm not the one punching lampposts due to uncontrollable tard rage.


you are gay


Leave avid alone! Leave that gay retard alone...

That was uncalled 'fo!


That reminds me of a dream I had. Scary dream. Basically someone shut my eyes somehow, like with what you're saying, and I couldn't open them, and they were all in my room fucking my shit up and I was like "you little cunt I'll fucking get you" but I couldn't open my eyes. It was some kid or something. But then I eventually opened my eyes and started going to town on him (and sorting out my room which he trashed, there were like drugs everywhere or something, spilled energy drinks lol, mess everywhere), freaky dream but sorta fun.


How is he going to leave himself alone? Are you saying he needs to touch his boyclit less?


If anything he should touch it more often to stave off his crippling obsession with gay hookups.


I know. The lab boys lent some brainwave-scanning tech to ASIO so they could monitor your subconscious behavior. They also lent the same (and similar) technology to NCA so as to monitor NELvid and then run a test trial on weaponizing his Down syndrome via a common post-aggression subroutine. Might I say, very interesting stuff in both of your heads. Freud would have had a field day with you two.


I would pay a couple bitcoin to witness you experience a legume induced anaphylaxis based death


Too bad the budget is far larger than your impotent wishes, goy. Polish a knob, nerd.


ask your whores why whenever I'm outside they drive past

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