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New AIslop just dropped


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Every day I find a new reason to feel smug about being a NEET, and a new reason to laugh at wagecattle.


This kind of thing is not employed in Big Tech companies. It's only done in a few smaller tech businesses and startups where the owners and managers think they're hot shit for doing this excessive micromanagement and surveillance. All it does it crank up the turnover rate. Although I could see Elon Musk adding this for his Twitter employees since it's part of his brand to be an asshole manager. And if Elon does this publicly, then I could see other big investors and major shareholders copying it and pushing other companies to do this kind of thing.


I definitely could see zoomers growing up in the next 10 years, doing this, thinking they're being productive for it, and Jeets doing the same.


I would be a NEET if I could be.


But this is why I work for the government. Never getting a private sector job again if I'm not self-employed.


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2022 Turnover Rates
Average turnover rate: 47%
Turnover rate by industry:
>Construction: 53%
>Manufacturing: 39%
>Trade, Transportation, and Utilities: 54%
>Information: 37%
>Financial activities: 29%
>Professional and Business services: 63%
>Education and Health services: 38%
>Leisure and Hospitality: 82%
>Government: 20%

lmao even
this is annual turnover btw, so even people in cushy government jobs are lasting like 5 years tops

>nobody wants to work anymore!

>we need more jeet immigrants!
Yeah I wonder why LOL


A goal to strive for.


Boy I bet those people sure are happy they got the death vax to keep their jobs.


Bleak. The building industry is either doing it because they're finding better offers elsewhere, or being replaced with slave labour.


Having worked in construction, nearly everyone there is an ex-con or someone who's well on their way to becoming one. They probably quit after their probation ends or because they got too zonked out one day and forgot to show up to work.

It's surprising how bad turnover is for jobs most normoids consider "good", like government jobs, education, finance. Even these industries can't hold onto people.


With the lowest turnover sector, public employees, looking at a 5 year timeframe the turnover is 67 percent. After 5 years at a company people tend to be pretty complacent and locked in, but still, crazy stuff. The boomer dream of the "lifetime employment" is well and truly dead, and even traditional jobs look more like gig jobs.


Another "fun" statistic. Employment rates.


I'm mostly interested in the chart for Canada, but the trend in the united states is similar if slightly less pronounced given their stronger ability to manipulate economic indicators.

40% of working age adults are NEETs. They do not engage with the labour force in any way, which includes being in education. They aren't "unemployed" because they are not considered to be actively looking for a job. They have totally dropped off the grid. In the distant past this used to be because women would get married and live off their husband's income. That is no longer the case, as employment rates are roughly the same between sexes.

Post covid, things are pretty bad for wagecucks. There was a brief spike in employment when they set the interest rates to 0% and everyone was hiring, but it's slumping back down to pandemic levels and only getting worse. All those millions of jeets didn't improve the number at all either. If anything, they may have made it worse.

Being a NEET isn't just something weird introverts do anymore. It's a lifestyle choice enjoyed (or not) by nearly half the population. And the more people turn on, tune in, and drop out, the more employers will try to squeeze the cattle that remain, doubling down on the abuse.


That is inaccurate. What matters is the "core-age" employment rate (25-54 years old).


As you can see, core-age employment rate (25-54 yrs) is currently 83.3%.

Furthermore, when looking at core-age employment rate (25-54 yrs) for men only, it is currently 86.2%.


>Being a NEET isn't just something weird introverts do anymore. It's a lifestyle choice enjoyed (or not) by nearly half the population.

It's your life, but for your own sake I recommend you don't delude yourself of this in the long term, unless you're a trust fund kid like Smiley or Sam Hyde.


Seems dubious. People 18-25 would normally be expected to work.


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It's not dubious. Canada is not America where you can as easily get a job without a college diploma or degree.


>It's surprising how bad turnover is for jobs most normoids consider "good", like government jobs, education, finance. Even these industries can't hold onto people.

All of those jobs suffer from so, so many toxic work culture and habits; micromanaging, constant burnout, constant performance appraisals (seriously, most of these people are on silent Performance Improvement Plans), HR bloat, leadership by management that has management degrees but no technical skills in any of these industries, not to mention poor pay and time theft.

In a never ending cycle, young people quit these jobs (as long as they have a choice and there is no oversaturation), over and over again because they're quitting horrid management and stakeholder footsoldiers (HR), go elsewhere thinking it'll be slightly better and they can put up with it, and then the cycle repeats over and over again for their whole working lives.

But not to worry, at least you'll be able to retire and pay-off that house.

Oh. Wait.

Is there some way to merge the statistic and come up with 18-54?

Also, in my opinion, even stopping at 54 is fudging the numbers. If you've stopped working 54, I don't believe you're representative of the average person, and rehiring at 54+ is exceedingly difficult, so we ought to count those people, all the way up to 65 (whilst the retirement age in Australia is currently 67 last I checked, we'll cut the government a little bit of slack and assume people are cashing out their superannuation/401k/equivalents and retiring slightly early.


Being in school is counted as employment in canada. Your job description is "student".


>Also, in my opinion, even stopping at 54 is fudging the numbers.

This. The number that anon cited is blatant statistic manipulation designed to make things look better than they are.


Read the second link. They do not count "student" as a job.

>Although the participation rate of youth aged 15 to 24 was little changed at 62.3% in October, it fell 2.1 percentage points on a year-over-year basis, the largest decline among major age groups. The decline was attributable to lower labour force participation among students; on a year-over-year basis, the participation rate fell among students (-3.1 percentage points to 44.1%), but was little changed for non-students (87.5%) (not seasonally adjusted). Among youth not in the labour force, the majority (88.7%) were going to school—virtually unchanged from a year earlier.


It's because they're Mexicans getting whipped by a White foreman in a lot of cases.


I've done some construction and all the work came from temp agencies, so this makes sense.


Labor participation rate is what matter, not unemployment.


this isn't real probly although i have no doubts usofa can be a bizarre third word shithole at times. not even the indian contractors i work with would accept that kind of treatment

magine a mostly tech illiterate dying boomer medium sized business on it's last legs in middle of an irrelevant US state inside of a beige corrugated vinyl outside "backrooms" interior office structure (a repurposed warehouse module on side of an infinitely large field of asphalt) would seek to employ something like this to torment their remaining big smile button-up "normie" jobs (sales & support) borderline-minimum-wage employees for not being keen enough to embrace the 3 days a week "hybrid" model (2h commute)

meanwhile im lifting weights when thinken about how to salvage whatever node webshit aws sphagett.
the most stressfull thing is to keep up with all the unrelated fucking "hey. can you.." slack messages.


lots of jerbs can be replaced with a well structured excel file or even knowing how to use excel and vba. dey often only use excel as a horrible way of taking notes. what is a AI? (not every company is a tech company)

and e-specially the government white collar jerbs are a per-retirement welfare/charity for people who are able to read but never knew how to create an index in a word document or a template and will spend the whole month doing it by hand (sorry mum)


>screencap of some reddit fiction
>inside a screencap of twitter
>with a faceberg filename
>posted on 4chon
>couldn't even get it on the right board
bravo fagtism


half of the interweb still runs on bootstrap3.css, jquery and wordpress (i didn't check but it's true)


Everyday it becomes more and more of an Idiocracy hell scape dystopian nightmare of the highest caliber where the bar gets raised to new lows and high highs for the evil overlords.


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Much rather be a bandit than a wagie


Bud I've been pulling my hair out over some tax obligation thingie. I would literally pay some dude, who has experience doing this, like a few k to walk me through it. I've had this issue for over a week, I sorta wanted to post about it but I thought it was really bad opsec. Anyway the obligation date is nearing so I'm forced to make a move soon. It's been fairly painful having to become my own accountant but on the other hand I think I've really grown from this experience. I guess I could prolly help others with it too. But anyway I used chat gpt/Gemini to help in various ways. It's cool as luck how it's helped. Really is my help helped. Still might delete this comment tho because I'm still a bit spooked I'm under so much stress, this month has been amazing, such a roller-coaster.



but can ai replace a real human experience :'-(


*boom boom tish*


Heh tge Metallica joke was one of the best parts but I'm not sure I understand it. Maybe just relates to their song lyrics or an album title?


>no audio
youre a dipshit


I don't know how those people are able to resist committing suicide.


Wagecucks don't feel anything anymore. Totally buck broken and domesticated.

Do not pity the wagecuck. He did it to himself. He could have chosen a different path, but he took the easy way out.


They're poisoned, debilitated, mutilated on their very first day of life. Poisoned regularly for many years that follow. Then placed into a prison system designed to break and mold them into perfect slaves


Dismissed, rejected, publicly humiliated. Why, it's more than they can bare.


>this is annual turnover btw, so even people in cushy government jobs are lasting like 5 years tops
This might be because they're old as fuck and retiring. Almost everyone I work with at the census is in their 60s and none are younger than 50. Younger people don't even think about applying to these kinds of jobs, because they have no way of knowing they even exist. usajobs.gov advertisements aren't shoved in their face constantly like indeed or linkedin is. It's not something they're likely going to hear about from word of mouth within their demographic either.

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