Homo Sapiens - also known in the west as Caucasian white man. Has been responsible for most of the things that are regarded as "happened" in history. Relatively easy recognized by fair skin although form ranges wildly from highly inferior, to very superior. But that is mostly influenced by other genetic interjections rather than inferiorities in the native genome itself.
Potency of philosophical insight - 8.9/10
Scientific achievement 9/10
Cultural significance 8.5/10
Musical influence 9.3/10
why in the black one did you say musical significance and in the white one did you say musical influence
but in both of them you said cultural significance
>>94116I meant the same thing
Some of the Ethiopian tribes look pretty comfy ngl
>>94163Well, dude, let's go together then, let's live with these fine folks. And if the blackness gets overbearing, we will have each other too refresh a little bit.
Hello? Have you forgot about johnson?
Nigger dick size: 9.95
Asian dick size: 3.35
Asian musical ability 3.25
>>94203What does the muscal ability is?
>>94199Fake Avid
>>94203Real Avid
>>94203>Nigger dick size: 9.95Watch any old tribal documentary and you will see that this is clearly false.
>>94212I think avid's
extensive first hand (and mouth, and ass) experience counts for more than some stodgy old movie.
>>94215stodgy todger is probably the funniest combination of words in existence
>>94203>>94209>>94215>>94216says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>94273I just thought that OP was unfair toward niggers, so had to bring up something they were more prominent at. Besides musical capability. Johnson is also relatively important I think. If you think it's an arbitrary thing not worth bringing up in a discussion of advantages, I think you are in denial. It is a significant thing. Worth including in overall rating / ranking of different genetic breeds/qualities. Especially if it is a clear advantage. I don't think I brought it up arbitrarily. If you think it was arbitrary, come up with three more attributes that would change the overall dynamic of superiority presented by OP. I guess Jews control most of the wealth/power positions proportionally speaking, but even if they are to be considered niggers, if I dilute their population with the rest of the niggers it would lose the significance of the otherwise significant advantage or attribute. Anyway, if you think there are so many other important attributes, go ahead - share. And if there are not, I obviously gave the only thing that was highly relevant to the discussion. It's not because I like gay shit, it's because it was relevant.
Here's what my friend who has not read this thread said when I asked him about it:
black guys:chill, good at music and dancing, sociable
white guys:high strung, only good at computer nerd shit, will flip out at you for expressing the wrong opinion about a video game
But I don't think it changes the overall dynamic in a significant way. I'm just mentioning it to further prove my point that there aren't that many more arguments to be made.
>>94301>>94303says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>94303Your friend sounds like a huge cuck faggot.
>>94303You are friends with Destiny?
>>94315>>94337Have you considered that his friend is a nigger?
>>94377Yes, we are both niggers.
Hey guys, OP, here.
So far, based on the opinions provided, I base the ranking as (greatest to most inferior) follows:
Although if I started listing Asian traits, I doubt niggers would maintain their position. Yeah, Johnson is a saving grace, but I highly doubt between that and music, it would be enough.
>>94396run and hide before avid finds you and licks your erection
>>94400says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
Guys, I'm not from your community, why do you keep bringing up this nigger and people by name in general? You're a bunch of sissy fucking nigger faggots, what the fuck is this shit? what a fucking disgrace to the image board culture. You suck.
>>94483Namefags have been around from the start.
>>94483Put your trip back on avid.
>>94483hush up, cave bitch. keep suckin
says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
no u
You guys are a bunch of fucking twat niggers, this thread is the greatest evidence.
>>94573What are you butthurt about this time?
>>94574I wanted to be friends with you, but you are the lamest group of altchan folks I've ever seen. Fuck this.
>>98535Don't think that's Avid the Nigger Erection Licker, she loves the dramafagging over namefags and appears to have left (at least for awhile) around late December. I assumed it was her at first, too, but it seems like a newnigger for even complaining about it. I wonder what the average age of 4chon users is at this point. I would guess somewhere between 30-40.
>>98537>appears to have left (at least for awhile) around late Decembermaybe the AIDS finally killed they/them
>I wonder what the average age of 4chon users is at this point. I would guess somewhere between 30-40.we definitely have at least a few in the late 20s but they're the young ones