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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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anyone here knows cool artbook? from movies, or comic, maybe even game, illustrators?? maybe a site layouted like https://www.wikiart.org/en/jules-cheret so i dont need to browse tiny pictures


https://40k.gallery/ is pretty cool for 40k art.



>>94348 damn those are large, but close enough. actually i ve seen them. anything else?
not big on 40k sorry.



sorry thats a lady
but your concern noted. im just very easily bored of little things or concerned of many things at once.
so i need something that i can look at for practice...but like, a title or something. games, art idk/


https://www.creativeuncut.com/ This one doesn't have books so much as isolated game art which is pretty nice. Some of this stuff is paywalled though which is retarded


https://scribd.vdownloaders.com/ Here's a site a friend showed me you can use to download books from scribd; there's a decent amount of art books on there


>>94358 oh yeah I know this one. Any is your favorite? Or you consider best? Or worst.
>>94360 hmmm problem is not how but which


his six figures will always be a curse

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