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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1733339778391.jpg 124.35 KB, 1196x536, Steesatsu confession.jpg


Steesatsu has finally confessed to being STI


You've been at this for years. Give it a rest.


Good enough for me. I consider this argument laid to rest.

Stee IS Seisetsu.


you made that thread and replied to yourself newfag

everyone who was on 4chon.net would know STI and seisatsu were different people, I've specifically seen both of them commenting when the 4chon IRC was a thing

also, seisatsu is an admin there, the first post (you) doesn't have the cap code

honestly I fucking hope you die goblinsaga, youre a putrid fucking cunt, nobody here fucking likes you, just fucking die already


seeing one schizo kike with two different terminals open on irc commenting under two different names isn't the same thing as seeing two different people.


>I've specifically seen both of them commenting when the 4chon IRC was a thing

I specifically remember that irc was full of deranged trannies. Are you still in the closet about your gender identity, avid?


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


>goblinpig is salty because they're not a 4chon OG


It's okay sister. We accept you for who you are!


File: 1733373036913.jpg 102.97 KB, 1134x1488, bbaawwwwwwsatsu.jpg

>You've been at this for years. Give it a rest.


STEE had a WEEAY smallah WILLEH d3n se1s47u

I SaY "HAD" cuz afaifk s31 cute HIS offfFf!!!!!


shut the fuck up pedophile

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