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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Got any big personal goals or challenges planned for 2025? Let's think about what we'd done right and where we'd gone wrong in 2024-and how to make 2025 our Best Year Ever!



i'm gonna get famous


There's a sonic kart racer? Looks awesome.


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What's he going to do to Tails' ring?


I hope to move to the homestead I've been preparing for a year and a half, assuming it's all still intact in the spring. It's been a really fun project to develop it, and I spent quite a bit of this year living there. It'll be nice to get out of the city for good I think. I'm running low on NEETbux after all, and I don't really relish the idea of working here if I can avoid it.

I also finished writing a novel this year. I'm not really sure what to do with it, so I guess I'll be trying to put that out there if I can. Was thinking of slowly uploading it on RR and putting a patreon up if people like it.

2024 was an okay year for me goals wise, but I really suffered socially. Didn't really interact with other people much, and ended up losing some friends. I don't regret how the year went at all, but I feel like I'm becoming a more introverted person than I used to be, even post-covid.


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>out of city
>into the forest
>into the ground
Truly nothing is greater


Seems like it would invite unnecessary hazards tbh.


The deeper that one goes into the earth the more stable the temperature. Even in the tundra the earth will provide warmth. What possible hazards could outweigh such benefit? Not to mention the physical security and stealth


shut up clopper


>What possible hazards could outweigh such benefit?
A collapsing house? Carbon dioxide poisoning due to poor ventilation?


>expecting logic from a my little pony watcher


>A collapsing house? Carbon dioxide poisoning due to poor ventilation?
Just don't do a shitty job


Flooding would be the big one I think.


>Flooding would be the big one I think
Entirely dependant on building the structure in the correct environment, just like any other structure. I would build an underground home in dry regions, not wet ones

Unfortunately they're not suitable for my area at all because the water level is merely 3 feet below ground and we have heavy monsoons regularly


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>move out of this god awful town
>get some savings stored up
>look into militia/natsoc/pagan orgs

Be as the beaver and learn from their wisdom.


>look into militia/natsoc/pagan orgs
Probably all alphabet boys. I would recommend that you create your own private organization with trusted friends and family, focused on non-violence, Noahide laws, and legal compliance


>Probably all alphabet boys.
I'm aware. But I'm just so heckin' alone.
> trusted friends and family
>focused on non-violence, Noahide laws, and legal compliance
Uh huh, yeah, totally, I love the federal government and would NEVER do anything to make myself a threat to their benevolent power. Paying taxes, getting vaxxed, and voting? Heck yeah! USA! USA!


You aren't alone. You have 4chon to keep you company.



"They" should at least believe you feel that way, until it's too late for them or something idk


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💖YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! NOT HERE! WE'RE WITH YOU! 💕✨💖✨💖💕✨💖✨💖✨💕💖✨💖✨💕💖✨💖💕


cringe as fuck



I hate weebs and anime so fucking much


Need nigger gf.




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