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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1734586990670.jpeg 84.71 KB, 669x680, adm0.jpeg


lol butthurt


Bullying the sack-of-shit, known as "Justin Trudeau" is in fact one of the funniest things Trump has done in awhile.


Drumpf sees a younger, more handsome man with a working penis and immediately starts flailing. It's pathetic.


Do we really need experts to judge if a joke is funny now?


Every transaction must be regulated.


File: 1734631842572.jpeg 40.85 KB, 800x533, Trump lols at u.jpeg

lol butthurt


laugh it up, shabbos boomer


Nuke Ayran, those filthy Moslem hate Jesus.

Also bring in all India. Their good for Theconomy.

You say: a house. I say: a 40 person rental slum-unit.
[ Translators Note: a 24/7 scam call-center, an Uber Eats curry-factory ]

American Business is back, bby!

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