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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Just a week until the big day. What are you doing to help spread Christmas Cheer, anon?


Not usually a cheery holiday for me, but I put up some lights and stuff. I used to enjoy MMO Christmas events, so maybe I'll pop on turtle wow or something.


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>help spread Christmas Cheer




Stopped celebrating fake holidays long ago. Christmas is consumerist goyslop. Even the original Christmas was just a garbage copy of Yule, where they replaced something real (the solar cycle) with worship of a dead jewish man


Your Taliban flag tells me that you've never celebrated Christmas in your life.


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Return to tradition. Uphold the blot.


OG christmas is saturnalia, and it's very similar.



kikes on suicide watch


fingering my arse and watching youtube videos of blizzards


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


I was being ironic tismchan


A week of antinomian behavior isn't very Christmasy at all. Yule is closer




Are they gunna kiss?


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merry Christmas gang


Merry Christmas frens


merry christmas


what in the actual fuck


Thongs are so disgusting looking. They conceal nothing, but at the same time they go into a woman's ass and get smeared with shit and stink. Truly revolting clothes for insentient apes


not everyones an insoil (involuntary soiler) like u avid


The true cost of getting BBC'd out.


I didn't make that post


Women are sexy and look good wearing stuff that accentuates thier bodies.


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Merry Reimas




called idoltary wtf

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