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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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I was on the bus and the bus was stopped at a stop and these two were standing taking a picture with their cameras, from my perspective they were aimed right at me, like directly at me

this is the second time this has happened

what's the odds of me being stalked?


They're scouting talent for BLACKED RAW.


Pretty high tbh.


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this is a bonkers thread


it's just absolutely crazily downright nuts


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facebook tweaking my marketplace search results to give me results outside of my range


to fuck with me, indirectly of course


look at the size of this nutty bastard


it's a drawing


What a nutcase.





No it isn't; it's a squirrell.


your a squirrel


You can check your car for a tracking device. Generally it will be installed underneath the vehicle, unless you have it parked in a public spot it could be elsewhere.

t. I helped change a guys oil and found out he was being tracked by someone after finding one up inside the bottom of his car.


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Reports emerged in December that claim people who get divorced in North Korea are facing one to six months in labour camps for their “crimes”.

Divorce is considered an anti-socialist act and anyone who wishes to divorce needs the Government to sign off on any requests.

According to RFA, a divorced woman claimed she served three months of labour and said that women receive harsher sentences than the men.


The campaign also punishes the parents of divorcing couples by shaming them in public and holds companies responsible should their workforces have high divorce rates.

“The directive … emphasized that divorce should be prevented by strengthening ideological education for those who propose divorce,” said a woman in North Hamgyong province who asked not to be identified to protect her safety.


Further, another law bans divorces in the hermit kingdom. Divorces are being termed as “abnormal behavior” and something that the state seeks to curb. Taking stock of the social situation, divorced couples are being blamed and labeled a “social problem”. The state has taken note of children belonging to divorced parents facing a social onslaught and discrimination.


The North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has allegedly ordered that divorcing couples be sent to labour camps for up to six months, with women possibly due to face even longer sentences.

He said ending a marriage demonstrates anti-socialist sympathies and should be punished.

It signifies a toughening of existing laws, which previously only punished the party seeking the divorce - even in cases of physical abuse.


When North Koreans get married, they rarely get divorced. The divorce rate ranks very low in the world. It is said that out of a thousand couples, only a few couples will divorce. The reason for divorce is usually the inability to have children after marriage.

North Koreans have a low divorce rate, mainly because of their traditional concept of marriage. When North Koreans get married and have children, they rarely get divorced. North Korean society advocates that women dominate the inside and men dominate the outside. In the event of a divorce, both parties are considered at fault. Women would be considered incapable of taking care of the family. Men are considered incompetent and unable to manage the family well. Divorce of North Koreans has an impact on personal work. It is very difficult for divorced men and women to find a partner.



Anytime I see news like this, I instantly think it's fake. Even if it isn't fake, it's pretty based. Whores need to be kept in place.


Yes because men never file divorce papers.



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USA #1!

>In a league table of which countries cheat the most, the U.S. comes in first place, with a staggering 71% of people surveyed admitting to cheating. Germany and the U.K. come in close behind, with 68% and 66%, respectively.

>Two-thirds (67%) of Americans who ever cheated on a partner were not broken up with by their partners, including 54% of Americans whose partners found out about their cheating and 88% of Americans whose partners did not find out about their cheating. However, most Americans who were broken up with because they cheated appear to have been given a second chance: 58% of Americans whose partners broke up with them because of their cheating say they eventually got back together with the person.



I suspect Amerisharts are just more honest about it.


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Retard flag guy bros... we got too cocky... RIP in piece


I took a nap at my parents' place recently, then I went outside to check their property next-door. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but two separate vehicles drove off once my parents' motion-light went off. Feds and gangstalkers are so fucking obnoxious.


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where we go we paco dorrito shartmart


the marts are shart


chocolate cheeroizoitos extra cream activated


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Anyone else distracted by her rear?


She probably had sex with the stabber.


i think more "retro computing/gaming" yt channels and sega mega drive capacitor replacements will fix this


Someone should've just killed him in self-defense


your dads are fucking annoying even on sundays. or any days you had to bend.


Computer Life Before The Internet


Why Young People Love Old Things


Modernity sucks.


How to Reply to Negative Comments (90s Tutorial)


98962 is a masterclass in how to cry harder when the internet old folks don't masturbate your little inflated zoom-zoom ego like how you want them to. Boo, hoo, hoo... :(


That was pretty funny heh


>usa/soviet military: akchually we need to put our nuclear weapons operators higher up in the sky (on the moon and mars) for the better angle of destroying all life on earth
>normies: le naturally faustian humen spirit johnny rocket reaching for the stars america #1 waow purpose and optimism consoomerism
>usa/soviet military also: fuck it's too expensive to bother with


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