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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Every history of /pol/ ever written always excludes the 4chon factor.
Furthermore archive.org does not archive 4chon

Conclusion: the jew fears the 4chon


I feel embarrassed that I participated in the formation of /pol/. I don't really mind that segment of my life being forgotten by history.


Never forget that /pol/ was specifically made as a joke board. /new/ was always the superior board.


It was only better because less retarded people used it. All the VNN niggers who flooded to /pol/ from 4chon turned it into what it is now.


To expand on this, basically the timeline was like this:

>/new/ exists on 4chan, and it's genuinely pretty diverse. People from just about every political ideology post there, left and right and everything in between

>moot gets pissy because there's people on the board posting "stormfaggotry", despite them being in the minority. At the time he was pretty liberal, and he decided to delete the board and /r9k/ too for good measure (the reasons for that are unclear to me but I never used /r9k/ much)
>/new/ reborn on 4chon, pretty much everyone comes over
>since /new/ is a free speech platform where you can post about whatever you want, a lot of white nationalist boomers from stormfront, vnn, and similar sites decide to invade and try to sway the board opinion toward their values
>despite being mocked, they're pretty successful. A lot of people join up with the "movement", and gradually all the non-stormfags trickle out of the website as it slowly collapses due to sti's mismanagement
>moot recreates /new/ as /pol/ because he feels threatened that there's an alt-chan which is getting comparable traffic to 4chan, and he wants a monopoly on shitposting
>all the stormfags, vnn people, etc move to 4chan
>4chan becomes known as a right wing safe space, eventually becomes host to gamergate and later donald trump's cult
>they drive out everyone else from 4chan


>the reasons for that are unclear to me but I never used /r9k/ much
/r9gay/ became home to a lot of the political discussion on 4chan after /n/-news was holocausted
and even worse
all of the nonpolitical content on /r9gay/ was the most tedious shit you've ever seen
the painfully unfunny xkcd faggot who talked moot into making /r9gay/ to begin with was proved to be incredibly wrong about his theories on content generation.


This history is incorrect. He implies that the non-stormfags left because they were btfo in arguments. I'm sure he'd like to believe that, but in reality they were simply drowned out by tides of spam and propaganda from vnn niggers, or left because 4chon kept throwing them FLOOD DETECTED POST DISCARDED every time they tried to post and they got fed up with it. They moved onto all sorts of different places, not just /leftypol/, which was created on 8chan in 2016ish. Reddit, tumblr, forums, twitter, other imageboards, there's all kinds of other places to post about your political ideology of choice.

The wn types didn't really have anywhere else to go except /pol/ and the forums they crawled out of. There's not really a lot of spaces on the internet that accept white nationalism, so they tend to just cling to what they can get, which tends to be free speech platforms like 4chon and /pol/. Same goes for pedophiles. A lot of pedophiles are attracted to imageboards because there's not really anywhere else they can talk about their thing and not be instantly banned. I don't mean to imply that wn's are pedos or have anything in common with them, I just mean that they're both socially marginalized groups who aren't welcome most places. Ironically moot created 4chan as a place to talk about pedophilia and post loli porn, but then took issue to stormfags posting on his site, despite them both kinda being in the same boat.


>the painfully unfunny xkcd faggot who talked moot into making /r9gay/ to begin with was proved to be incredibly wrong about his theories on content generation.

Yeah, the robot was idiotic from conception. It didn't do a thing to improve the board.

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