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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1735587842630.mp4 6.36 MB, 720x900, 1733802475130.mp4


Whatever you want. Find something interesting? Post it.






File: 1735588134509.jpg 415.49 KB, 1125x1142, IMG_6189.jpg





File: 1735588468373.jpg 29.61 KB, 370x370, phantasm's dad.jpg

Can I say nigger here ?


is this cardi b


File: 1735589425238.mp4 8.64 MB, 1280x720, roblox.mp4

Do whatever you want nigger.



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File: 1735589587678.mp4 3.61 MB, 720x1280, 1725813948955.mp4





video takes screenshot




Praise him


Good video that really summarizes the millennial experience.



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File: 1737813508458.mp4 8.22 MB, 1280x720, asuka.mp4

That is entirely way too much makeup.




Not sure where to post this. Someone did an in depth analysis of a forum called physicsforums, and found that dead accounts were being revived as chatgpt bots, and hundreds of thousands of posts created with dates stretching from 2003 to the current day created by those bots.

It's a confirmation of the dead internet theory. Spooky shit. I wonder how many of the schizophrenics on this site are just bots?


All me


I wanna eat an asuka cosplayer's pussy, bros...


How dare you talk about my wife like that.


I said *an* asuka cosplayer, m8

it doesn't have to be her


"Eating" any pussy sounds infinitely gross and beta. Not trying to be mean. Sex is gross. People are gross.





not gonna lie i would tounge flick the clit of a nice white virgin pussy if i was also in a nice steamy hot shower so its clean and being constantly cleaned the whole time


Maybe in that case.


Frieren's stinky old elf pussy... what is this feeling!?


Uh... gay!?



Are you sure bro?


Disliking the smell of piss, shit and a wet market at closing time doesn't make someone gay.


Girls only smell like that if they're unhygenic. It's a yeast infection. Not all vaginas etc.

Sorry you had bad experiences fam.


I haven't had any experiences. It's just evident. Man is a shit factory. A douche doesn't change that.


incel cope

pussy is delicious and all true sigmas love to eat it


>t. licks public toilet seats


This. Non-sex havers need not apply.


Ook-ook monkey pats itself on the back for doing something filthy and unimpressively common. Normalfag cattle gets the world it deserves in the end.


One day you too will put your benis in bagina. I have faith in you anon!


Not happening. I've had plenty of opportunities. Even if you don't believe that, I could've had ample sex with prostitutes by this point. It's a disgusting ordeal for apes and oral sodomy is the lowest of it all. Someone not having it doesn't make it clean. Maybe one day they will create a smellevision version of American Pie so you can get your rocks off to that.


That seems like a very unhealthy and zoomerlicious view of human biology.

Not the first time I've seen someone express such sentiments though.


I'm around 40. Not every opinion you dislike is conceived by zoomers.


So this is the power of advanced wizardry...

Power... FUL!


thinkin bout dat punani 🤤


File: 1738232694471.mp4 7.59 MB, 640x360, BAH GAWD.mp4


Hot girls farting



Uh... gay?



das it

ZOMG just like skyrim!!!!!!



Scamming pajeet pretends he can speak 46 languages.


I am shocked by the fact that most normalfags don't find it creepy that this shit reads your mind and knows things about you that even you don't. AI is demonic and is possessed by some kike entity, nothing will convince me otherwise.


"AI" is a buzzword we should cease using incorrectly. It's not really any different from the targeted ads they've had for decades. Normalniggers are easy to finger print because they make everything publicly available without a care in the world.


My algorithmic reccs are usually not really what I am into at all. Often the ads it send my way are in foreign languages and usually the only accurate suggestions are ones where I say the thing I was wanting to look up and then it suggests it. These things aren't that great at predicting, most ppl are just predictable and stay that way because they stay at home in their algo pen.


houjou fans


the problem is AI is fucking retarded as hell and censors my fucking videos for no reason.


I AM NOT a bot....


Autism girls are pretty cute.


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Yeah, that's pretty fucked.


This is how urbanoids should live.

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