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post your pajeet memes in this thread


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This AI accurately captures the moustaches on the women


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indian woman cheated on her indian husband with a white guy. The indian guy is NOT happy, LOL


why has there been such an increase in indian hate on imageboards in recent years?


Because there's been an increase in Indians on the internet in recent years.


people are coming in contact with indians for the first time and seeing how fucking vile they are


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In the not so distant past India used to have a good reputation as being part of the "mystic orient" and people imagined it was full of yogis and temples and people who refuse to eat cows, and the only interaction most people had with jeets with through call centres where they talked to mostly professional staff or the odd guy running a gas station.

Now the west is getting the full shitty stench of jeet.


there is NOTHING spiritual about india or indians. They are the MOST materialistic people.

REAL spirituality is stuff like shamanism or buddhism.

Hinduism is empty rituals, a complete waste of time!


From what I recall, Buddhism is about attaining nothing as the ideal form and Hinduism is about becoming everything.


buddhism is when your ego-self disappears and thus there is no more "i" and all that remains IS everything.

And i did attain that, while meditating once. The i, the ego, the individual self, IS the illusion!


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>buddhism is when your ego-self disappears and thus there is no more "i" and all that remains IS everything
You're confusing Hinduism and Buddhism here. In original Buddhism one attains Nirvana through meditation and ceases to exist

There's a million sects of both religions, but in a general sense most Hindus seek something that still involves existence, just not individual egoic existence

It's terrible how swiftly overpopulation and colonialism destroyed India. Now the rest of the planet has to shoulder this plague


This is one of the few cases where you really can blame colonialism for a country's problems yeah. Getting rid of the caste system and partitioning India into Pakistan and Bangladesh has been an unmitigated disaster not only for them but for the entire earth.


Britcucks are a true menace.


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What the fuck? Why?


I believe all stories on reddit.



That reputation only developed because of hippies in the 70s projecting their philosophy onto the Hindus. What would happen is a hippie would go to India, get flattered and patronized because he's a white person (whites were seen like gods to brown people in those days, the disparity between the first and third world was massive). He'd assume this nice, flattering and patronizing treatment was how Indians really were, and write lots of novels talking about how kind and spiritual these people are. Not once did they peer in the slums and see exactly how they treat one another.

Indians online don't believe me when I say this but if they came to the west anytime between 1970-1990, they could've had their fill of hippie pussy.

Europeans in the 19th century selectively mined certain texts for their romanticism. Schopenhauer did this with the Upanishads. Buddhism was actually lost knowledge in India until the Europeans came and rediscovered it. Actual Hinduism as practiced by Hindus is very materialistic, and victim blaming. It's not like Christianity where there's concern for the poor, in Hinduism if you're poor, stupid, low caste or ugly it's not just you that's bad, it's that your soul is effectively tainted for sins in a past life.

There's no real evidence that Colonialism did overall harm to India. Most of their problems seem to stem from the Cold War era where they just didn't grow in the slightest on a per capita basis for 40 years. It's arguable they've barely grown since the 90s either, India is actually deindustrializing in a lot of areas and people are fleeing the cities for the countryside. A good percentage of their GDP growth has come from the Green Revolution giving better fertilizers that allow for more crops.

The reason you see so many Indians online starting petty fights with westerners is because a lot are unemployed NEETs.


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>Buddhism was actually lost knowledge in India until the Europeans came and rediscovered it
Back in the day over there in the religious institutions debate was a big thing and the loser (and all of his students) had to convert to the religion of the winner. India was nearly entirely Buddhist at one point until Shankara BTFO all of the Buddhists in debate and converted everyone back into following the Vedas

>A good percentage of their GDP growth has come from the Green Revolution giving better fertilizers that allow for more crops

"The majority of plant crops today depend on synthetic agrichemicals, such as nitrogen fertilizer, most of which derive from the Haber-Bosch process.
Before the Haber-Bosch process and the Green Revolution, the global population was capped around 3 billion, we simply couldn't feed more than that on what was already stretched and strained food production. After Haber/Green Revolution, the global population has nearly tripled (currently 8-9 billion - 90% of which subsist in abject malnutrition or semi-starvation) due to plant crops being able to grow with synthetic intervention that's based upon reconstituted finite resources."

The process you're praising is explicitly t*lmudic black magic that's cursed the world with tremendous overpopulation


The harm done to India goes beyond economic growth metrics or GDP. The British utterly destroyed ten thousand years of social organization, leaving them a society in shambles, lacking any racial or cultural identity or anything to cling to but the allmighty dollar. It was like an test run for what the jews are doing in Europe right now.


>90% of which subsist in abject malnutrition or semi-starvation
Sometimes I wonder how much of human retardation is attributable to poor early childhood nutrition. Massive swathes of humanity eat nothing but golden rice, which lacks the vitamins and most importantly fat needed for brain development.

Maybe if the brownoids and poors were better fed they wouldn't be so stupid. As it is, the elite have created a world where they rule over massive numbers of mush eating retards.


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It's more of a cultural thing. Indians are stubborn in their ways and have their retarded religions. Chinese follow authority and are atheists. If an Indian says he's going to continue his family tradition of shitting on the streets, you bet your ass he and his family will do it and there's little you can do to stop them.


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How many of you who agree with this meme have Ackshually:
(a) cleaned a toilet
(b) installed a toilet
(c) shitted outside
(d) wrestled with an Indian IRL without a respirator


please do the needful


yes to all saaaar


SARZ yus. Itzah charger.


I had a weird pajeet interaction at the gas station the other day. I bought a prepackaged sandwich and put it in the microwave with some napkins under it. The pajeet insists I use the styrofoam plates he had off to the side, and he didn't believe me that you're not supposed to use styrofoam in the microwave. He just skulks off with OK SAAR! in an aggrieved tone of voice. Then when I go to ring up my items I notice one of the drinks I got is all sticky(something had been spilled on it), and he just chucks it in the trash. He could have just cleaned it off, or even if it was defective I know from working at a gas station that vendors will give you credit for returning defective merchandise.


And another thing I noticed was that the gallons of water they had were "clover valley", that's dollar general's store brand. They just bought water from dollar general and marked it up by a dollar. Do curry niggers know how inventory works?


Most general stores do this. You can actually get access to the inventory systems for a lot of grocery store chains and dollar stores and just order the items directly, but a lot of them will physically go into a grocery store with a cart and just load up the car.

If you aren't moving a lot of stuff it's probably more convenient that way.

They're all very passive aggressive. The boomers of race.


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