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How to invest money?
What is a wise investment in 2025?
All of my money is slowly dying in a bank account right now


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Hawk Tuah coin


Invest in women. Produce babies with thicc horny women.


I'd invest in her, if you get my meaning.


>>97788 (checked)
invest in a company that sells cow feces and urine to pajeets


1. Behave in a way that makes kiwifarms.st the online website autistically obsess with you, so that there are 2, 3 maybe 10 people who do nothing but constantly 24/7 covering every time zone every waking moment of their lives post images of you scrutinize and talk about you and the morality of your actions to themselves and seethe to each other non-stop
2. ???
3. Profit. Big money. Gold bars



Yeah CWC is a billionaire now so ..


Cringe Wizard Canadian?


Close but it's Christian Weston Chandler.


Thimking I should stack ammo and potatoes



Potatoes rot. Ammunition is a consumable. If you want something physical, tools are a good bet because they really hold thier value well and you can use them to make/save money while you hold them. Livestock is another "traditional" investment, which grows exponentially if you feed it hay.

If you're lazy go to an investment broker and get some medium risk mutual funds.


the best investment you can make is in a good education


Are love potions real?


>the best investment you can make is in a good education
Been on imageboards for almost two decades now


>Potatoes rot.
Just replant them when they start sprouting eyes.


ammo is good. get a home gym setup and some funz to go with that ammo


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There is a mighty need to diversify my portfolio.


I wonder if this Fern image set is completed



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Why would she take her clothes off to keep him warm? Seems counterintuitive.


Probably the best animated hentai I've ever seen.


invest in nvidia right now i promise its good


An AI made this


Kind of creepy looking in a way I find it hard to put my finger on.


I knew it was AI because Frieren is actually a virgin


Dubs of truth, I am a virgin.


The sloshing water noises make this hilarious.


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She will soon be plump.


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sex with cat


>sandpaper tongue


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The entire economy seems like a sticky, hazardous quagmire of scams


It is, and soyciety has no goal other than kicking the can down the road for as long as possible, hoping they'll all be long dead before the house of cards finally collapses. The kings of shit mountain produce nothing, have no consideration for posterity, and will never be held accountable for anything.


People who live by lies are also destroyed by them, and the truth will live on regardless. Things have always been this way.




That does not appear to be the case. Examples?


If the truth were not eternal it wouldn't be the truth. Lies are by nature transitory. Obviously all ppl live with a certain amount of lies, but for example if you choose to believe a guy can turn into a gal and try it you might find your life expectancy dropping quickly. I don't really need to provide examples, the point makes itself


The economy is a scam and the stock market is basically just horse betting. It's all a sick joke.


>and the stock market is basically just horse betting.
Only if you're a retard-nigger, like the people who invest in tech stocks. You can live off of dividend stocks eventually, but growth stocks are gambling.


Benchod bloody blastard fuck son you mother shit I fuck you shit


Who hurt u


Land mayhaps be a good investment

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