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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>also if you made too often a fault you d need to do alof of correct to, rewire your head?

i was told we need to 'visualize' what we need to draw, but while that worked drawing usual way, it domt work upsidedown. i do not visualize it upside down tho. but it shd have worked as easily.

how do i fix it? the general pose is form is right, but i cant get the pose.
also thtas not a kick


That's nice op.


yeeah , and its boring, annoying and the one thing i need to be fine is not even real nor exist, so im struggling. terribly.


File: 1737346601917.jpg 241.97 KB, 2400x1800, orc 7.jpg

I drew an orc yesterday heh


More coherent than anything OP has ever drawn. Looks like a Warcraft/Warhammer orc.


>>97848 that's alrite, i mssed up my shit again.
>>97849 you live in sabak archipelago or something. so you use AI because the rest of the world moved on. i can only pity your accent, but in general you should do football like your lil brother did. does. i mean the real one.


You have no clue what either of us are saying. You are severely ill in the head.


Feels like a chatbot. Not the modern cool ai chatbots that can actually enunciate words but like the pre-tay chatbots that just remixed sentence fragments randomly.


>>97849 Other that that, everyone especially whatever ONe morning interviews/d should wear an ankle bracelet that rings whenever you are, 15 feet distance from them.
gracias, projecta


I got you the first time. you are the one who didnt catch that i dont need your dropout commentary about how you turns out also failing at cooking kouchabuta or wiping tables despite saying you d do better outside school
says it just perfectly about your entire log of "conversation"


blablabla go fuck yourself idiot


>>97859 goodo morning, im telling your lil bro (the real one) that you masturbated to One morning interviews. again, please, wayne, get a life, ronaldo won.


Your picture looked nice, by the way.


>>97863 it is and she should stick to it than any other shitty employment her cert didnt describe for her in a tisue


Thanks heh


good, everyone went back to their nakayokushite; ill just return to my table and in case anyone asked: it's so difficult with my fingerprints lining, or whatever Master Asia heaven-earth prominence you follow, so i m completely disillussioned with trivial assessment, micro detail defintions, so pardon about your lack of attachement given your extraordinary mental photographic imagery, and whatever half assed attempt of your "teaching" honestly those only stinks of dry gourmet in your unwashed throats begging for more, pork brains or whatever.

the empathy, "empathy", appreciated, but this contradicts your statement on familiarity, so, kindly, experiencedly, do not take it too personally, as the stand up comedy works on 1 to budokan, and warhol think it's a charity too when people rotates on stage.


In some 3rd world countries they still use leaded fuel.


File: 1737421436667.jpg 234.83 KB, 2400x1800, orc 9.jpg

decided to colour my drawing


A valiant attempt, but alas, the wiggly lines and missing tapering scream for another line art draft before coloring your green-skinned creature. The inconsistent line thickness is just the cherry on top. Objects closer in view generally require thicker lines. Revise the line art if you ever wish to improve. The road to greatness is paved with revisions.


..i'd say im glad you commented, derail, ask, or honestly, change icons and click new fukin reply, but really, i dont, i probably did, but not anymore
not at all
at this rate, if you say it correctly and it worked, the prize would probably a video of me hanging myself, a rope for you to garrott me, or if you give an adress, i d even hang myself there.

i mean, some of this just really, discussions on placing lines, and forms. i even dealth with the colors myself.


reduce brush thickness and try again


>>97899 mhmmm maybe later. i am almost making a breakthrough

other than that, its not even 6 digit minus brush thickness
>you need to, memorize it.


File: 1737514081644.jpg 80.6 KB, 390x255, Math_Lady_meme.jpg

> 6 digit minus brush thickness
Are you trying to tell us the size of your cock?




You never answered the question.


What question

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