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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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What's Smileburg been up to? Minecraft, of course.


Fucking hookers and smoking meth.



That's cool I guess. Could be worse.


He's been a NEET playing minecraft for like a decade.


>Could be worse
He's probably smoking meth as he plays Minecraft.


Every zoomer uses meth. I would have figured smelly would be on the streets or in a mental hospital by now. Glad he's able to engage with his autistic video game in peace.


Except now he's on the NEXT LEVEL because he's on 2b2t, which is some kind of hardcore pvp server that's been around for years. Bro's going to get his shit wrecked.


Obese Yahiko cosplayer doing interpretive dance to Heart of Sword


xe posts on krautchan


but enough about your mother


he should collab with avid

they could build cocks together


He was an early victim of o9a/764 grooming tactics and we should all spare a thought about that. This website has led to nothing but heartache and torment.


I thought all of his issues came from his parents improperly raising him and allowing him internet access. Also Learningcode.


That merely set the stage


Smiley is an ass wipe and blames everyone else for the dumb shit he does. I bet learningcode actually did nothing. Vid related as smiley with the gun.


>>98222 (checked)
I hear that learningcode died from one of those birth defects that jews get from inbreeding




If only.


Yeah. Nobody is buying that learningchode is dead.



File: 1738806451982.jpg 2.55 MB, 4000x1848, 1738679312825.jpg




A fancy way for him to not actually khs and continue to play make believe.


Should we invite him back to 4chon?


Fuck no.


Implying he ever left.


He comes and goes. He's bored of us lol.


He's busy smoking meth and doing all the drugs, playing Minecraft, fucking geriatric women and whatever else.


The drugs won't do themselves!


Smileys dick won't suck itself either. Go to Canada and be a good boi.

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