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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>it fits
>guess the old man go
>your finger dont feel
>and you already prayed 10
> and wise goes with evils
>so on.
>oh hi, old man night beater!
i could be satan by costume, so i think i fixed some brush by wetting and using fingers to straighten it, while remember BOILInG em for almost an hour and gets, no effect. it evens dent. is this a thing?



15 min. ago

I am tired with non-sexual relationship with my gf, should I break up?
Heart to Heart
So a bit of background. Currently, I was having a relationship with my GF for almost a year. We met over dating apps, and honestly she (25F) was cute to me.

Problem is I (28M) was sexually active before and I was not getting laid this past year. She is actually conservative type, so no premarital sex.

I tried to channel my sexual needs to something else, but eventually I will be bored with my hand soon. It’s not her fault as she makes it very clear she wants to wait till marriage, and I agree at that time without thinking the ramifications more clearly.

We only kissed so far, and I tried to touch her boobs once, but she is not comfortable so I stop doing it again. I actually don’t mind not doing penetrative sex, but some bj and mmc should be my bare minimum 🫢

Now I was thinking that breaking up might be the solution. Although I have invested significant amount of money (dates, fine dining, etc) and energy into the relationship. I always picked her up with my car, and making sure she gets the best date every weekend.

I need your advice guys, I love her but cheating is not an option. And certainly I can’t wait till marriage. I am afraid being more blunt with her will result termination of our relationship


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this as in OP?


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it the thing in it do. that sound about huh wait it huh no it like more, think. probably more srengrh to see on it? i am what.


..you, you drop your certs *used shoes to poke the underwearbathed paper" h, here. also i stillcant upside down.


Damn bruh. Pls stop. I have to stop laughing your hurting me.


yea i bet you didnt do that in the end.

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