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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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"Women do not control when, where, how, and on what terms they have intercourse. Intercourse is forced on women, both as a normal part of marriage and as the primary sex act in virtually any sexual encounter with a man. No woman needs intercourse; few women escape it."

-Andrea Dworkin


"I can't get dick, it's over, millions must die"




Tell that to my ex, she liked getting banged pretty hard, and in various ways :DDD. I miss her, despite everything that happened between us.


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I can't believe woman said something that is the complete opposite of truth. Oh wait she did. You have not been invaded by mongol empire.
i woudlnt fuck you in million years but you still call me the rapist.


Ugly miserable kike should have been buried alive.


As neurotic and opposed to sex save for the sole purpose of procreation as I am, I really hate how this kike bitch took her sexual hangups, made a victim of herself and sought solidarity by trying to convince all women they're victims. Being a jew may as well be as strongly correlated with mental illness as being a tranny or a faggot is (I suppose they already heavily overlap with LGBTQPWTFHAXBBQ anyway).


>I suppose they already heavily overlap with LGBTQPWTFHAXBBQ anyway

Only the L part. Second wave feminists were all political lesbians who's entire worldview revolves around hating men for existing. They were very much not positive about male homosexuality and the gender bender shit wasn't a thing back then.

It's funny that trannies completely destroyed feminism as an ideology because suddenly a bunch of men in drag were calling themselves women, and the remaining oldschool feminists started calling themselves terfs and turned into conservative tradwives to escape the trannies infesting their movement.


you tagged the wrong post, elf fren


So I did, so I did.


>Only the L part
What are you talking about? The entire "spectrum" of the "movement" has had jewish representation across the board. I'm not sure how many kikes are trannies, but plenty more are dykes, faggots, otherwise pedophiles, whatever other distinctions they invent nowadays, etc.
I don't keep up with what feminists are doing much, but recalling what I saw on crystal cafe and lolcow farm inb4 implying girls use those boards a few years ago, I never got the impression they suddenly became "conservative tradwives". I always saw posts in those places describing "conservative tradwives" as pickmes, while also seeing plenty of (warranted) hatred for tranny faggots. You might be conflating different female-oriented groups together.



The ops pic is clearly a biological male, pretending to be a female. Yes, his bussy got raped. Clearly.


Me. Your ex.


>I don't keep up with what feminists are doing much




Great conversation.


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I'm just like your ex. I am a biological female that loves getting banged hard in various ways by uncut bwc and hate niggers. It's that simple.


my friend is missing the point she convinced nobody. women do this for free all the time. they also are put in larger power because of it.

the problem is like always never quistoned that it is not jews but sexism and female misandry that leads to jews being blamed or any other small group of men. For women never take responsibility. And with feminist movement, they have disregarded it as continuation of goodness. In other words, freedom without responsibility is solely how woman can exist, as alike to that of parasite.
Yet, it is clear as day that men are guilty after all.
android is sole solution.



You have mental problems, especially regarding children and women. You post content with child gore and talk about poisoning or otherwise hurting kids. Don't respond to my posts, motherfucking freak. I sincerely hope for you to be tortured to death.


this sounds like schizo reply.


"My AA battery bill is the size of a small nation's GDP" - Andrea Dworkin


>No woman needs intercourse; few women escape it."
The lucky few.


I bet that mtf never masturbated in their life.


Nah, you know what you've posted elsewhere. Dumb fuck orc.


she probably had lots of consensual sex with men that looked like uglier versions of woody allen and women that looked exactly like her


Men are obviously the active party in sexual relations, but it takes two to tango. Men make the moves towards sex but women actively draw those moves out of men. this statement of hers is not representative of normal women and may be tied up with her fantasizing about how men all find her irresistible enough to rape her. Also the sort of men she probably hung around with (Hebrew nerds w/ big egos) were likely more rapacious to women

From my experience with spiritually masculine women they are way more into the sex than I am and get off a lot on looks, which pleases me.


I am a bio woman and I make the moves towards sex. Checkmate, retard.


Pls show bobs and vegene


Please take a picture in front of train, first!


Nope, not checkmate. The fact u are here proves you are 1 emotionally masculine or 2 at least alt enough to not be representative of most ladies


There are no women on the internet. Knock it off.


hi, dogi!

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