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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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how to code/develop something like bimini run? like it has 3d to it, but not entirely polygonal and stuff... also very neatly. almost like it's two dimensional entirely. also i am using tululoo, so it could be like, object based programming strictly or triggers than code strictly.


just sprites repeated in a pattern horizontally that change to the next "frame" (different sets of sprites) relative to the velocity of the boat
ask deepseek and copilot


yes, i understand that part. but it is a full environment, so it spins in 360 degree. the "change" triggerer event is the one that seems hard to do, nor do i saw any tutorial alike
i used chat and it had no image and it got it mixed up to other tools, or just plain confusing.


>>98651 well in tululoo you only have the 2d plane. i have done the 2.5 d projection, but it's not similar still. so i need something else more similar.


need to learn to code and use something with more control than tululoo



>>98654 hmmm, i dont have the picture with me but it'm pretty far ahead using various examples like http://www.extentofthejam.com/pseudo/ but it's just not v similar. im really kinda lost, like, for the first time after coding so many stuff too, around this thing. for starter, this "change to next frame" thing, is not exactly common anymore.

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