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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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im stranded sitting in a booth at a pizza restaurant in the midwestern USA 3.5 hours from destination. We are waiting for a ride from a driver who has a laptop but no phone. i'm a bit worried about getting to my destination but very worried about the wellbeing of the person who is supposedly driving here without a phone. anyways they're probably going to get here soon and if they do I'm going to be napping uncomfortably in the back seat but if they don't get here soon I'll still be stressing. My silver lining is that i have plenty of tobacco and papers to roll it in. What kinds of things are you worried about and what is the silver lining? Pic is how I wish I would have traveled


File: 1740272498049.jpg 74.23 KB, 1020x759, pizza cuck.jpg

At least you have pizza.


pizza comes from a can
it was put there by a man
in a factory downtown
if i call the op gay
he'll keep postin anyway
blogpostin nigger what a gosh darn tard


The person picking you up is gender neutral?


Stare into the iPhone screen
Scream 'bout the gape that's growing
Xhe wafts out a poot
Please support trans rights
Xhe sleeps in a booth
In xher sad pizzeria

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