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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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What will be the impact of Pajeets making a career out of copy-pasting substandard code from LLMs?


If devs can't code then how are they devs?


it might actually improve code quality in some cases, windows 10 was becoming shittier from outsourced jeet code long before chatgpt came out


I mean, this has been a problem for decades. They used to just copypaste stuff from stack overflow.

When you hire jeets you get jeet quality and no magical llm will fix that.


Bovine stares.


Good question, but to be fair I'm assuming some fraction of these "Jr Devs" are non-pajeet zoomers, and it's normal to look a lot of things up in any field. Experience is the only real teacher. An engineer won't know the best way to approach something he's never worked on, and a doctor will have trouble diagnosing something he's never encountered. The AI auto-complete is causing them to stagnate is what the video is arguing.
But now there will be fewer h'White men who can/will fix their shit.


When I went to college for cs a decade ago, long before LLMs were on the radar, at least 90% of the graduates of that program couldn't write a single line of code. They knew quite a bit about computer science but programming was a skill they didn't possess, despite it being the focus of the program (very employment focused rather than theory focused).

Some people just can't do it. It's like there's a certain mental hurdle people need to hop over before they can code, and most people don't seem to be able to manage it. A lot of the students in that class were very smart people too so it isn't strictly an intelligence thing, although in the case of jeets it might be.

Quite a few of those people ended up getting jobs as "developers" although what kind of work they did, if any, I don't know because I didn't keep up with them after college ended.


i thought it ll solve all problems in the world? tululoo mostly?


not with something as obscure as tululoo
it's been out for 11 years and only has 12 stars
like i said you'd have much better luck with love2d or pygame

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