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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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any reason why drawing is not feel the same upside down. like you can tell the form goes where but like, not the specific lines, idk

like is the brain left and right because you have hard time doing the other way around before haha, ha, ha.... i guess its actually 1080?


It is strange. Beginning drawers will try and draw things upside down because that can allow you to detach from "symbolic thinking" of how it should look and instead learn to represent things accurately. The slight removal of one's awareness makes it easier to see things objectively


Btw doré's illustrations of the Tale of the Don are super


>>99492 not sure what dat means anymore. i never understood symbolic thinking either. now i draw upside down (from memory)
and flipping it and it do not look the same at all with the usual one.
one can probably "flip" by reflections but thats also tooled than actually natural. also the foundations you practice suddenly do not work the other way, nor if you practice "seeing", you will not understand a thing the other way around
>>99493 all public domains are. no wait. are they. i mean, what else.


Drawing upside down is a means to unlock a non/beginner-artist's ability to make visual measurements, it's a one-off exercise not an art style or whatever. tf are you doing man lmoa


>>99499 dunno my not upside down is better to do but you are the teacher securing correct by all means is part of legislation, I guess the gamer nerd were never that intelligent. You just went bonkers giving so little benefit. Or given. Oh waits that's a cliche.

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