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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Just got my Permit to Purchase for the first time in a while. I sold my Smith and Wesson M&P Shield to my uncle during the covid riots, but now with the emergent threat of the Wokeler and potential Cartel violence (apart from the ever-present miasma of local drug addict/minority crime that's never gone away), I thought it'd be a good time to re-arm.

Any interesting developments in the firearm meta these past 5 years, my fellow americans?


I don't want to get a gun because my brother is a tard with suicidal tendencies.


Hell yeah, brother. I still need to improve my arsenal. Right now all I have is a lousy Derringer.


>>99500 (dubsy wubsy)
a gun would probably cheer him up, duder!


You need to get him a gun so he can turn those suicidal urges outward.

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