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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Anyone understands how is this done or made like the theory of it? Also I want it to have the hands move too, how do you do so


such toys are called automata. look up automata, automata toys, wind-up toys, kinetic toys and kinetic art on google images and youtube


Look up the mechanical alphabet on youtube.


It was shown how it's made within the video the OP retard bot posted itself, parasite brain.


the related vids I got from this are all AI kittens being injured


How about more specific.
I said I want the hands to move too. Dipshit


I don't care what you want, moron.


Not going to spoonfeed you. You were given good information, if you refuse to follow up on it that's your failing.

Go back to drawing retard squiggles.


File: 1740938032954.jpg 32.43 KB, 331x402, klaushurt-faggot.jpg

You vill provide ze blueprints for ze hand-moving gadget mechanism to HDV's schizo asiatischer henchman, und you vill like it.




Make one were avid is being fucked in the butt by a black man while screaming about chinese cosplayers.


Make one where a beta pedophile simp can't contain its autism and feels compelled to gush about all the ageplay content it consumes, then gets butthurt and starts screeching about its unrequited gay love for some literal retard from the UK after getting rightfully called out before getting convicted and raped and stabbed to death in prison.


can we crowdfund these ideas? y'all could do something like YTP tennis but with automata instead of sanic and mairo cartoons


>unrequited gay love
This projection is getting creepy, pedovid.


>n-no u
You're the faggot jacking off to ageplay that looks like grade-schoolers and bringing up nigger dicks all the time. Kill yourself, Reddit frog retard.


Avid, the mod already outed you as a pedophilic, underage boy obsessed nonce. Your cover is blown and trying to project your own problems on other people isn't going to fool anybody. Please stop. You're only making yourself look worse with every post.


>another degenerate schizo fantasy and more projection
It'd be hilarious if you wound up faceless and sprinkled with salt on a cartel execution video.


Avid, these deranged murder/torture fantasies make me fear for your mental health even more than your poorly concealed homosexuality and sexual obsession with children. I don't normally condone imprisonment of the mentally ill, but you seem like a genuine danger to yourself and others.


You're the one defending ageplay shit and writing gay fantasies. It would be funnier if you initially failed to commit suicide via shotgun and were kept alive as a drooling potato burden on your geriatric parents until your father snaps and murder-suicides your whole family.


Tell me more about your family Avid. Did they hurt you as a child? I thought Britain had laws about that sort of thing.


You can't help but think and post about children and make insinuations of trauma. What a deranged, disgusting piece of shit lol. LGBTQP subhumans like you should be rounded up, shot and discarded into unmarked graves.


I know you are but what am I


>>99571 ouch, faggot. Just say it if you are illiterate, no need to offer a piece of your empty head. Sorry that you are used to be praised. Your mum were being sarcastic though. But you are so dense about your own self worth, it becomes clear you never really understood a thing.

Kill yourself you doggoner twat.

What else happened here? Nothing worth a real education


>Not going
You can't. Sperg away with your little dumb fucking stupid brain you were told to keep like little ahmeds.
Complains. It's like you made an account on Instagram. What an embarrassment.


Oddjob! That's enough! I'd like to have a chat with our visitor Mr. Bond.


>It's like you made an account on Instagram. What an embarrassment.
LOL, the perpetual six figures-seeking schizo SEAmonkey figured out you faggots are demonic, pedophilic entities from normalfag platforms. Go cry on your discord boyfriend's shoulder next time you get BTFO, worthless goblins.


nice having a sup-
ey, fuck you 3


95% of my post was shitting on this public front for a den of discord pedophiles sharing videos of kids twerking on instasnaptokgram amongst themselves. I don't care if you're schizophrenic or if you make posts that annoy the retards on this heap of shit board.


Lol butthurt


>pedovid (who was frieren poster all along seemingly) is so absolutely assblasted by some stupid cosplayer tiktok vids that he can't stop thinking about it like a week later
Don't forget, you're here forever.


Eat bigger cocks




>schizo delusion in r/greentext_story format
>hurr ur here forever hurr i said the line mama!1
Nah, not here for much longer. Cliche-poisoned pedophile nigger. Not going to start using avid's dead board either.



This bitch is as plastic as your soul.


Getting tired of this nonsense.


>>99655 (dragon dub Z)
hey, santa, why don't we flip the script? leave your sack on the sleigh and come empty out mine

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