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would poop be allowed in a /lounge/ nationalist society?
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Would horse auctions be allowed?



this shit belongs in the /v/ thread


yes but any horse poop must be sold to iraq war veterans at a discount

we say poop in this thread, bucko!

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easy money, the streisand effect is going to blow this one up many times bigger
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I think you need to look in the mirror, Tyrone, and see reality.


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if you use a 4chan clone you're an even bigger faggot


It's true! I use a 4chan clone and look at me.


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fake avid

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since 4chon is an ironic gay site and HDV is simping for dogisaga lets have a sexy jewess thread
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STAnd betWEEN me and the JEWBS an I mite juss RAEP ((YUO)) intsead!!


dat'll beh $8 hehe



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Sounds like you need an oily massage from a guy with a strong grip babe.

Not me then unfortunately!


fake avid

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whats NEL mean?
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whether she's a woman or a tronn doesn't really matter to me, that's a kike and I hate kikes


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 No.72049[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one hit bump limit and this board is even more dead without a blog thread. Bought a bunch of ESP32s with a built in OLED screen for around 4 dollars a piece. You can even find 8266s for under a dollar sometimes. I'm pretty sure they would all cost cents if I were to order these by the hundred. Meanwhile on Amazon everything is like 3X-10X the price.
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Any Samsungcels itt? I'm tossing up between the Galaxy (tm) s23+, s23 ultra and the s24 versions. Favoring s23 ultra right now. I don't really feel like paying $1500 for a new phone but w/e and I'll have it for 3 years minimum so that's 500 a year for a piece of essential tech. I think the camera upgrade from the redmi note 5 will come in handy fwiw




ordered a compatible remote yesterday 👍


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my friends just graduated university or are finding lucrative corporate jobs and have at least a relationship and a hobby going on and a decent car and probably at least 5 figures in the bank and an everyday liveliness to them that doesn't make them feel weird to talk to contrary and I'm sitting here in a moldy Home Depot carpet studio apartment jacking off to scat porn without any skills or experiences making pennies bagging groceries. i dont know why i just said fuck it and never took life seriously but i guess the only thing i learned was that im a loser. why did i spend 15 years here


Hmm I got a 4 month old s23 ultra, 512tb for $1120 but now I'm seeing a listing for s24 ultras, 256gb for $1200, brand new, though they dont have black. That's annoying, I don't think that listing showed up earlier today and it doesn't show when I change the search sort order. So eBay is hiding things depending upon how you use the search function - i.e. it's broken. That being said I don't think there's really that much difference between the s23 and s24. If I really want to bother I could resell but I cbb probs

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how come this banner isn't in the rotation?
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41% yourself, gaysatsu



steesatsu says he was 19 at the time


yea 19cm flaccid

goddamn he better let avid suck that thing before he cuts it off


kill yourself

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Nice promotion of censorship btw
free speech btw

fucking faggot, probably a kike too with how permabutthurt and weak they are

>words on screen

>I is kill

HDV you're a loser, fight me IRL, I'll break your fucking skull you jumped up little moron
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>spam is freeze peach!!1
kill yourself lmao


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shut the fuck up FAGGOT
you first kike


HDV would flatten your AIDS-riddled ass


you have aids too nigger


you caught AIDS from licking nigger erections


Would Damaged Femcels Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
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>women/girls screaming when they see her ass

dyke as fuck, they can't possibly be straight cheering for that, by definition that's exactly what a lesbian would do, yet they probably tell themselves they are straight, what psychological reasoning for this is there


Well, he is Turkish after all heh


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Here's the song that was being played.


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She has gay fans. The GAYlors.

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remember this bitch lol
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Keep all settings default except for these three:
Preset: veryfast
Audio Codec: aac_he_2
Audio Bitrate: 64

Ideally try to make sure resulting filesize isn't more than 20% larger than original WebM, or exceeds 16MB.
Increase Constant Quality (CRF) value to reduce filesize if needed.


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 No.50550[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vaporwave, retrowave, j-pop, k-pop, canto-pop, anime ost/bgm, japanese shoegaze, j-rock, 80s/90s pop, lo-fi, chillwave, classic hip-hop, chillhop, jazzhop, vgm music thread

plz include artist name & song title or no one will click your embed. spam gets deleted

previous threads:
>>22879 https://web.archive.org/web/20230326173628/https://4chon.me/lounge/res/22879.html

>Sola OP (結城アイラ - colorless wind)
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shoegaze rock


shoegaze rock




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You have to be masculine, but not overly masculine that it's toxic. And you can never say you want to be manly. You have to say that you embrace your feminine side which is just as powerful... but you still have to be manly. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's pitiful. You have to be a boss, but you must never tell a woman what to do. You have to make the decisions but you also have to listen to what women want, which they don't know, before you make a decision that will always be wrong. You're supposed to make time for your wife and kids or you're a cold and distant father, but not so much time that it hurts your career, or you're a failure of a provider. You have to be unselfish and think of others, but you can't be too selfless or people will see you as weak. You have to tolerate women's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of being whiny and told to man up. You have to be chivalrous but not so much that it's chauvinistic. You have to be kind to women but not so kind that you're creepy or boring. You're supposed to be strong and confident for women, but not so strong and confident that they feel oppressed or that you make other men angry at you. You have to be romantic and spontaneous but not naive and cringeworthy. You have to take the initiative and make a move without being told to, unless of course your attention is unwanted. Always be grateful for your privilege and feel passively aware that being a man is easier than being a woman. Remember that this is the 21st century and it is time to think of women as equals but also remember that women are oppressed and dis-empowered, so do not think of them as equals. You have to never be too weak or too strong, never be too kind or too cruel, never be afraid or cocky, never be too quiet or too loud. And you must never, ever complain. Because you are a man, everything is easy for you and everything that goes wrong is your fault.
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>you have to be a cuck


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humiliation ritual?


Anything is possible.

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not a bellend


literally sexual harassment, leave me alone.


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the fuck is 4chon?


We are *the* Dead Neo-Nazi Imageboard. Would you like to know more?


who killed it?


a failed minecraft youtuber called avid sued the original admin for calling him gay too many times


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What happened to our zest for inventing new and interesting things? nowadays we seem to just modify the already existing shit, in the 40's and 50's we were throwing out wild inventions left and right, what happened? I can't stand stagnation and I believe we are in a state of it right now, just perpetual modification of already established inventions.
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The plateau is now. Soon we bounce off the cliff.


This is a fantasy. You aren't able to cope with society well, so you imagine that society collapsing. Unfortunately the normie hive seems like it's here to stay.



Nah, it's true, but unfortunately it could take centuries.


Your expectations are unrealistic. There is one world hegemon and this empire is currently in the age of decline.

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those "lesser humans" somehow manage to buy and sell us


yeah right, I don't remember being bought or sold

you got a dog in this fight?


yea, I'm an antisemite and you're a kike pretending to be an antisemite



probably the other way round though isn't it


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