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 No.50876[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My father...

She could get a job being a jeweler or putting together watches maybe as a caregiver at visiting angels on the phone to someone and I flipped tf out.

He's like...

Worst case scenario is...

I give her a backpack


Other day to my brother...

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stop talking to me please


>hurr durr being a celebrity shitfuck


Trust me when I say this i could score multiples over you all


You said that you were avid, with no proof and now you're saying that your levakama.
Wat dis mean?!




Former President Donald J. Trump: 'It will be worse than losing a war if America loses its currency standard to China'

Is he right, 4chon?
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Rough years ahead, brehs
How much longer before le chickens come home to le roost?


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Higher-ups are letting...

The TV-surveillance-show BURGERLAND..

- float cuz they are entertained by the amerilards and all the bullshittery&drama.

They don't want to ruin a good thing tbqh.



>It will be worse than losing a war if America loses its currency standard to China
jekyll island stockholm syndrome. current year currency standard not doing anyone any favors.

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Brittany Venti has uncovered that George Soros actually issues report cards to how 'woke' companies are and pays them to have quotas as to how often they shill for sex reassignment surgerys and transsexual rights.

Why would he do this?
Skip to 1 hr 10 mins in this video
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>Think Before You Sleep
Octaroon went for a white man. Based?


>be an alienated loser
>consume youtubers
I may be a shy bitch but you are downright homosexual


this nigger gene bitch


Bro I have to act friendly to literally thousands of people a year, excuse me if I want to alienate at home


Your fat rotting carcass does nothing but dildo dildo obsessing about men online and it fart and it amells

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 No.15345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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see me in the outside



Stained sucks.


Git redy


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>NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
>after this random atoms flew around for NO REASON until they randomly happened to create the extremely delicate and precise conditions life could exist in on earth, thanks to the nothing that exploded exploding into just the right subatomic conditions that could support consciousness
>then the random atoms started to become alive because... well because they just randomly did, okay. they started to replicate by accident and made germs
>and the germs changed into fish that randomly by pure chance particle spasms developed into extremely complex organs to capture light and represent images to a conscious brain that had a precisely balanced chemical makeup that the random spastic atoms from the big morning that created everything happened to make
>and then these water breathing fish started to breathe oxygen because... well because of the autistic whizzing aimless atoms, and then in a gorillion years the fish were monkeys because... because they just fucking were!!!!
>and that’s why you are here
>and everything you see and can conceive of just happens to be there because of the unconscious totally senseless collision of atoms that the nothing created that somehow just happened to pinball until they made an accurate representation of reality inside the most complex organ in existence and this was all meaningless and random and just happened to occur
>oh yes, and despite all this my specific political, moral and scientific beliefs about this ludicrously insane complicated world my random atom brain that exists on extremely delicate perfect conditions just happened to evolve to understand, and that the determined and causal chemicals in said brain made me believe, are undeniably true and you’re a chud if you don’t think the same
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I win again ahahahahahahahahaha


The games you play don’t run on a laptop who was utter shit ten years ago, I wrote off my life before it even started


I wrote you off cuz you wouldn't let me suck your dick to prove that I'm not gay.


The only thing I would accept from you is a bullet you fat sack of disgusting meat


I dont have a laptop

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I am so sick of outrage viral marketing.
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>you are supposed to put the lunchables pizza in the microwave
not true, the dough is pre-baked


also did u check ur settings for that JPG screenshot option?


That's a good movie. Watched it a few dozen times at this point.


Not him, but my phone doesn't have such a feature as far as I can tell.


it's an option on some samsung galaxy phones & tablets, and based on the 2960x1440 resolution she almost certainly has a samsung galaxy tablet


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I'm sitting at the same table I used to browse 4chon on back in 2011 to procrastinate in one of my alma mater's libraries at university (I'm doing extra training/specialisation for my job), only now I'm a jaded 30 year old that works full time.

I never thought I'd get older and get everything I'd ever wanted and still not feel fulfilled and happy. I guess that's part of the grindset fams. Everything changes as we get older and 4chon remains our only constant. That and HDV's erectile dysfunction.
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This is literally me right now


>I never thought I'd get older and get everything I'd ever wanted and still not feel fulfilled and happy.


Madness and intelligence are often two sides of the same coin. Rest in peace, Terry.


>Sam Hyde on ending it and happiness


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you probably wanted the wrong things.

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I keep seeing that David duke flag and thinking it's Milo...

Milo yiannopoulos flag when?


Same 🤣


I did an emoticon


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I am glad that I'm not the only one who sees it!


🍒 🥧 😱 🆒

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I just don't like US white culture. If I say I don't like it then I'm based. So I just keep to myself so I won't be brofisted/cheered/promoted
So I don't watch TV and I don't listen to current music. I just watch porn and documentaries and I listen to selected music from the 90-early 2000s and rap
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Uh oh. The boards got bots. HDV-chan better do something quick.


This is what h'white culture does to Asian women


was it white culture or the generic modern western culture


She cute


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Still better than zoomers, who have double this and expect you to be rich.
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I smell jealousy


Super jealous. How will anyone on 4chon cope, chad?


>Sam Hyde on Trad Waifus




>should I join a major religion to please a woman? that's a pretty normal thing, right?
>noooooo, you idiot! religions were made up for fake internet points! you need a woman with literally no beliefs at all!

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I just don't like US black culture. If I say I don't like it then I'm racist. So I just keep to myself so I won't be cancelled/fired/unpersoned.
So I don't watch TV and I don't listen to current music. I just watch anime and J dramas and I listen to selected music from the 60-early 2000s and jpop.
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>Please explain this chart.
Don't know what projected lifetime is supposed to mean here. The other fractions you can convert to percentages if you prefer. But the main point is the difference between the demographics.
Read: https://www.mathsisfun.com/percentage.html
e.g. (207.4/100000) * 100 = 0.2074% of all black males from ages 15-24 are convicted murderers, and (8.3/100000) * 100 = 0.0083% of all h'white males from ages 15-24 are convicted murderers.


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>I just don't like US black culture. If I say I don't like it then I'm racist. So I just keep to myself so I won't be cancelled/fired/unpersoned.
As shown by these threads
THESE THOUGHT CRIMES ARE UNACCEPTABLE. you will be hunted down and destroyed


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Any other advice you would give a 16yo? He's becoming an electrician I guess he seems okay in that department. I'm not sure how smart he is, maybe just average but I wouldn't really know.
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Venting feels good. Get all that shit off your chest,op.


He'll yeah




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nooooo....;! I'm?.? cumming!!2(22(

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New gl*wie welfare bux just droppped.
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anti slide to stop the kikes, evropa wins again kys niggers 1488


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Body-builders have a fetish for obese women. That's what I've learned from/fit/.


my aryan goddess fertility idol fuckpillow we must reproduce and u feed luxurious fatty milk to babychads


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I believe that dogisaga was the person who doxed after the second failed trip to canada. They asked for my address and I wouldn't give it to them but they were able to obtain it by the phone I was using. They revealed that they were a male but I knew that they were LARPING as a female the whole time but I am and was not interested. They said/say that I am cute and that "we" should get married but I will not. They must have convinced smiley to slice himself up because of the strange cartoon piece they made saying "I'm sorry I hurt your human friend" showing smiley on the ground cut up.
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Eat shit. Dogisaga is coddled and lives with his mom and sisters.

Group home?
>Yeah, no.


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I'll be hustling soon.


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I hate niggers.


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I'm actually really burned out and tired tbqh.


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This guy Tom Torero killed himself a year ago or something, he was a self proclaimed day game expert. I've been reading through him and Nick Krauser's stuff recently. Their stuff is too quirky for me, e.g. "hi I saw you walking and you looked like a flamingo walking down the street" etc etc. Anyway I wonder why he did it
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I've been reading Krauser nonstop this guy is smart. I did this exercise today because I was out and about but need to fix up my crib before I pull girls there


Sounds like too much work.


What does, the exercise or everything? I'm basically dedicating this whole year to day game, probably the next as well. I consider it all to be training so that I can approach younger women (16-17) to eventually find one to marry.


All of it. I guess it's no problem if you're having fun though.


It's definitely hard I understand giving up. I like women too much though

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