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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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how long before inbredsaga eats itself to death
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Dog typing about self cannibalization.


put trip on goblinsaga we all know its you


Sweet because you have diabetes.


the idea of pussy really triggers these fags lmao



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Social outcasts, egirls, Shut Ins, NEETs and wizards aplenty in this server, please enter and enjoy.
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go away, groomer


nigger I don't have a dickscord account


For a moment there I almost thought Avid made a new server.


fuck discord

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I have amnesia and can't remember most of my life and what I can remember is slipping away. I only have feelings to go on about most things now as I just can't remember shit. It's really odd when you interact with someone who knows you, and you know that you know them, but you don't actually remember anything about them / anything we've ever done in the past. I got hit over the head several months ago and I don't remember shit from my life... but I have feelings about it and what I feel about it is that it's for the better that I really had nothing going for me that was worth remembering.
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you do know you can stop that little voice in your head right? that's probably why you can't remember shit, because you're not on the course of remembering things, your mind could be too preoccupied with narrating your current circumstances to be able to narrate past experiences


Oh. Now I get to fondly be reminded of the time smilys ex childhood bff smacked the back of his head with bolt cutters, left and cut off contact. Smileys ex childhood bff. Doing the lords work.


you were probably a lemon originally

many people started out as lemons that were transformed into humans by dark magic

their role is to watch real people for some unknown purpose

they are generally not malicious


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Correction*: lemming


No wonder all these these niggas out here so sour with they lemon head lookin' ahh loool

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Because Krillin is kind hearted, strong and pure.
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based pubber


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This is avid4chan's wife. Say something nice about her!
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He looks like he's going to murder everyone in Minecraft!


I wish


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I don’t even want to be as transphobic as it seems they really deserve pitty and die as soon as the internet doesn’t work for 12 hours but Lord help me surviving their acidic insanity another day


Do it faggot


I don't marry brown eyed non whites

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Is this real?
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You love tranny cock. Don't play coy.


>for a price
Avid does it for free. He's like the gang banged sasha grey janitor of cocks.


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Smiley has a long list of imaginary e-gf's because online relationships aren't fucking real and he's also a schizophrenic with a long list of non-existent characters his brain created. Smiley and his long lists.



It's okay to have a pencil cock.

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 No.71034[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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not goblinsaga, I am telling the truth, you can scour the waybackmachine if you want but that shitty site doesn't cache images so whatever, fuck you, I'm not lying


Pics or it didn't happen.



>Posts gore.
Oh wow, you didn't provide a screenshot. well, well, well


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HDV is a legitimate homosexual
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sorry to hear that you're Never Enjoying Life


You are a fraud! The real avid would NEVER turn down a big juicy willie no matter the colour!


NEL lol NEL ur NEL wrong (NEL). i NEL am NEL avid NEL and NEL i NEL live NEL for NEL nigger NEL erections NEL because NEL they NEL look NEL like NEL turds NEL NEL


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slow shit gay site
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I am a nigger


Run before Avid licks your erection!


shut up you fat cunt


(mentally) slow gay op (avid)



retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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NELsha, NELsha, NELsha, that's all you ever say


don't care if this thread gets deleted so long as the spamming faggot nigger shit in both threads does too. please let the one non-autistic topic be spared the total retardation of some dumb kike cunt.


cry more bitch nigger



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4chon is a no niggers zone
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and avid has a black bf

this board is full of race-mixers!



he admits it! he admits to licking the nigger's erection!




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this is a (4chon) public service announcement
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You described just about everything that can be good for you


The psoas muscle is targeted in the (very potentially pseudoscientific) trauma release therapy/exercises thing created by Peter Levine

One of the specific treatment/exercise things he pushes is that you eventually lie down and your legs start shaking involuntarily

But I tried it - followed a YT vid along for like 30 mins and did everything exactly as told - and it didn't work. Couldn't get my legs to shake involuntarily



>trauma release

Yeah I'm thinking that's bullshit.


It was interesting enough to try but as I said, didn't work for me


I didn't even try it lol

I'll stick to running and lifting


Didn't watch all this (watched it 3 days ago) but it was illuminating. If this is accurate it sounds depressing to live somewhere like that. Though I'm kinda confused as to whether he's talking about cities or suburbs, a lot of the places he shows seem to be in-between. The anecdote starting from the 4min mark was great.
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like i'm not against remodeling cities to be less shitty, but i think there is a more important agenda against decentralization, private transportation and private property within the elaborate propaganda.

due to wfh having taken off i have no necessity to dwell for prolonged time in a city at all. it's where u go get your driver's license (even that can be mostly arranged through online lessons and private instructors though). everything is delivered already.


so i assume that the new economically-optimized soycialism urban communalism they want in the west takes no civil defense and event of nuclear war or similar catastrophe in the account, that there is no enemy, as per 'end of the history world peace democracy' 1980s imaginations. the rural areas then are for industrial scale farming only. i want to be a distance away from the multistory commieblocks and the surrounding 'critical infrastructure' when the drones and rockets begin to fly around, not in an ikea pod with no electricity, central heating and with overflowing plumbing.


Even though I hate needing a car, It's just pod-life propaganda pretty much.


The WEF wants to first depopulate the planet and then funnel the survivors into Judge Dredd style city hives heh


There's a reason commies always use something banal like a toothbrush with regards to their distinction between what personal property (stuff you're allowed to have) and private property (which they seek to abolish) is, because stuff on that level is all they think you should deserve. Computers, cars, hand tools, all of these things could be employed by normal people to sow and reap beyond their state-approved "needs", contributing to a "counter-revolutionary" "Second Economy"

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me after reading the slop on this website
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I'm not dog.


the flag of constant butthurt, buzzkilling and infant mutilation


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me after getting my erection licked by avid




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new 'toss
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4chan is full of christcucks shilling and spamming, and /r/atheism never recovered from the fedora jokes


more like christcucks spam fedora memes whenever someone who doesn't worship their kike god dares to speak up


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when using a knife, the regular tin cans with no opener lip are to be opened from the top by just cutting the surface like paper pushing the knife kind of from the side approximately around the round edge, simply ensuring an ok opening flap with no loose metal ending up in the contents

cutting the can top off from the side is a really bad idea as that tin material is different - while it cuts well, it shears outwards around the cylinder making a very sharp and irregular rough edge with scary very sharp tin whiskers constantly peeling off, that can end up mixed in the food or cut u there on the spot


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