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 No.13191[View All]

What are some urban legends you follow?
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>be aliens
>transport humans and animals to earth
>humans evolve to mine ore
>wait a few years
>come back to earth and steal all ores


School shootings are the elites spoilt kids enacting satanic practices


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god i need a cute elf gf






Elf girls


Is this fake faggot garbage or is it real



Humanities weight forcing more magma out of the ground than is healthy for the planet, we are doomed and that particular scale has been flipped and there nothing we can do about it


anyone know of any good urban legend comps?


on YouTube


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God is a alien


Men in black
New world order/illuminati
Asteroid belt containing solar system is a bit sus
Red rooms






lobsters are real and they shop at target, they go at early hours when all the drugkin are too fucked too anything


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These things can be trained to gawk


(it's great)


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The Questing Beast is said to have the tail and roar of a lion, which is true of giraffes.


No, they are vigilantes serving justice to their abusers (and sometimes just glowniggers being glowniggers).
I don't think I can believe this one




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Me want one


8 hours nearly of iceberg weird shit šŸ‘




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This shit is some of the freakiest shit I've read, imagine that little face man whispering shit to you at night, wonder what it sounded like


"stop pressing my face into the pillow you cunt"


Why do revolting people not dress like cool ninjas and shit


Kind of a shame that isn't a cultural norm we could have cool Blasphemous-lookin'-ass-n*ggas walking around instead of misshapen goblinoids heh


Shout-outs to grimdark metroidvanias gotta be one of my favourite gender


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>Pixel graphics


True love


hobbit people yes or no what would you do if you saw one


I'm guessing they're not little smartly dressed wise-cracking manlets like in the Lord of dem Rangs so idk tbqph


they're probably just tiny abo's


me getting suck


would you an elf (person with williams syndrome)?


fart decay

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