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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.1600[View All]

So uh…my uh….my friend got this thing a short time ago like I said. It's a device that is supposedly able to reduce plaque in the veins of the penis that can constrict blood flow and compromise the ability to have uh…normal function. I-..my friend has suffered intimacy issues his entire life and I… he did a lot of secondhand research on acoustic wave therapy for male intimacy issues which has existed for a decade or so, by now. However, because healthcare in the US is in a bad way for wagies these days it wasn't realistic to pursue this treatment. This device is comparable to those used in clinics, just with some safety features to prevent laypeople from injuring themselves.

I've…my friend only used it once so far because despite the fact that he'd bought it back in late December today was the first day my-my friend's parents were both away.

My friend informed me that it was loud and scary at first but an ultimately painless and simple process. He's looking forward to seeing if his results mimic those of the many totally-not-paid testimonials on the website. Thank you for reading this story about my friend's unfortunate problem, he was hoping to start a family some day and he thinks this might be his only shot
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You would have to be a fool to not leverage the advantages you have. Especially someone like me, who generally has to worker harder than others while getting less for my effort.


That niggers is spitting facts, probably.
Did he ever get around to doing that though?


4chon.me/mod now redirects to 4chon.me/mod.php for convenience. plz inform the mod
there's now a separate minimum time per ip for new threads longer than just the 8 secs for new replies to make it a little harder for future raids / spamflooding
rolled out the anti-cp-thread script which checks every 15 mins the newest thread and locks & redacts based on certain conditions, we'll see how effective it is


File: 1683581526630.jpg 139.53 KB, 974x1280, wife material for HDV.jpg


4chon should be now immune to thread flooding even if they're all unique VPN/botnet IP addresses since only a maximum of 1 index page worth of threads (i.e. 15 threads) can be made per hour. no need to do that cringe stickying you do during flooding



I think my injuries are too severe to be corrected by this device, however, I've seen signs of life I hadn't in years prior that suggest that it may be effective for someone suffering from normal, age related dysfunction. I will continue to use this machine for some time to come, but I'm pretty confident it's over.


what about the viagra


You need to get the tranny benus-inflater-system put into your biological-manhood. All you'd have to do would be to squeeze a device thing in your sack and your benus would become hard and to deflate your benus you'd squeeze the device thing in your sack. I'm a genius. Why haven't the scientists and doctors done this?-That would be a real game changer for biological men.


Actually a good idea
>get tranny tube
>get the penis cartilage severed at the base of the shaft to add an extra inch of length
>inflate extra big penis
>never never never tell any woman about all this
>oh I had an accident and I just need to press this button now to get hard 😢


>>get the penis cartilage severed at the base of the shaft to add an extra inch of length
No. That sounds horrific. Wtf.
>never never never tell any woman
>oh I had an accident and I just need to press this button now to get hard 😢
Oh no. You ruined it. You said something.


You would never ever sever the "cartridge" EVER! Weiner stretching exists and that's how it would be medically altered "at the base". You chop off the base of the shaft and you have just chopped off a penis, retard.


Trips of truth!


You don't announce it. You'd just gently press it and it inflates. You could do that from your pants pocket or whatever. What kind of three ring circus FREAK SHOW do you think this is?!


I dunno, seems to somewhat work but I can't tell if well enough-and I probably am a Premature Ejaculator because of my inexperience as well anyway LOL. I will say that if it does work I can credit the Pee Pee Spaceship for getting me to that point. The internal debate though is whether I'm willing to get together with a NSA toad of a woman to practice on or dare to try with someone I am actually attracted to and risk ruining it right off the bat heh

Jesus Christ heh


All I know is that some guy with two penises (diphallic man?) got part of the shit inside of his dick severed and he gained around two inches of length on both of his penises from this

Now he has a fully functioning 9 inch penis directly next to a fully functioning 7 inch penis


Wow. I wonder what his sex life is like.


>part of his dick severed
... and they didn't reattach it?


We just need to get the woman with two vaginas and the man with two penises together. There's really someone for everyone.


I thought the pee pee spaceship was for your friend?


I read about him in a thread on reddit long ago. Somehow a deep rabbit hole led me to reddit and then some images and videos of a man with two large penises. It's shaped kinda like a V

He's basically a devotee of Slanesh


OH oh yes, YES. haha yes. His friend. It's me HDV's friend. I am just so thankful for him helping myself out out with his-I mean with MY erectile dysfunction. Friends always helping friends out. You know how it goes.


The double reddit rabbit glory holes. 🕳️ 🕳️ <- V


No problem friend, what are friends for, my friend? aha





Target audience: HDV








Peterstein's most shocking vulnerability.



stop impersonating me h-heh


I can't tell which one is the real HDVid!


I-i am h-heh...


File: 1691031913109.mp4 277.61 KB, 786x1080, HDV wet dream.mp4


who is HDVid?


is this a camel?


I'm not sure! that's the problem!




I will investigate in a few days


>I'm 6ft 9, My Husband's 5ft 4 - Now We've Had A Baby


>Virgin At 36 - Deal Breaker?


If everyone did the "love don't judge" thing, including the jewish billionaires that own the planet, then the world would actually be a pretty nice place


Probably not. Everybody would be a meek little homo, afraid to get others to actually do anything, or have any standards.


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( - )


>thought I had ED and PE
>Turned out I just wasn't getting fully erect for years, because my cock wasn't get enough blood due to stimulant use
t.not HDV's friend. All drugs have their price.

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