I've had two different dreams with very similar endings recently. I find a barely intact (head, upper back and right arm) ghost opening a kitchen cabinet. It had a strong white glow and looked like it had bridal wear on. Didn't get a look at its face, but I think the hand looked emaciated like a dried-out corpse. First time I pissed it off by trying to disperse it like smoke and second time I twirled it around my hand like cotton candy and slammed it through refrigerator door. It felt like a chilly wind when I touched or held it. It angrily wailed and scared me awake both times. The muscles inside my ears stayed contracted for a bit after waking up.
I had a dream I was playing a procedurally generated version of Pathologic. It was pretty cool.
No one's going to read this, it's really just for me, and to practice my writing, but I had the coolest dream ever this morning. Normally my dreams are short, nonsensical and completely forgettable. This one, though, was vivid, felt so real, and lasted quite a long time, so I had to document this. I didn't make any of this up, and there was a lot more stuff that occurred that I cut out due to length and because it was some nonsensical dream stuff. I suspect the reason I had this dream was because I watched a few Halloween/horror-themed TikTok videos by Xiaorou SeeU beforehand lmao.
So my high school didn't have a 10-year reunion because of the pandemic (IRL I definitely wouldn't have gone anyway, fuck that cringe shit, and I moved away from that city long ago, but dream logic, I guess). Anyway, in this dream, in place of that reunion, I ended up begrudgingly meeting up this autumn with a small group of friends and classmates I hadn't seen since high school (none of whom I have any desire to see again IRL -- I'm pretty sure they're all elitist yuppie assholes now with their fancy business and law degrees, AFAIK, but whatever, the dream put me in this situation). In the dream, we reconnected on Facebook Messenger (which I don't use either, but I guess for plothole-filling purposes I temporarily made an account after some insistence?). We decided to meet at a community rec center in the city one evening and head out driving to a mountain retreat for the weekend not too far from here. (Again, I am not the type to do yuppie shit like "mountain retreats"... dream circumstances.)
There were about seven of us -- six guys and a chick who was someone's wife -- and one of the guys drove us all in his SUV. We were chatting, joking around and laughing on our way to this big lodge with multiple rooms that we were renting for the weekend. While we were driving, we started noticing way more cop cars than usual with their lights flashing all over random neighborhoods we passed by. Occasionally, we even heard gunshots. We just figured it was some gang warfare or something and didn't think too much of it.
When we finally got to the area, we had trouble finding the lodge. GPS was messing up and being unreliable, and it was nearly pitch black, so everything was hard to navigate. We eventually found what we thought was the place, knocked on the door a few times, noticed it was unlocked, and went inside, exhausted. As soon as we dropped our bags in the main room, one of the phones -- maybe the chick's -- started blaring an emergency alert. She showed us her phone and it said something like, "Ensure all doors are locked, windows closed and lights off. Stay calm. The military will be here to help." Real vague, but ominous as hell.
Then all of our phones started getting the same alert. I checked the news on my phone -- nothing useful, just some vague reports of shootings and break-ins in the past hour. So, I switched to Twitter and saw all these hashtags like #prayfor[my city], #pandemic, #[my city's name]_zombies and #zombieapocalypse. I showed my phone to the others, and we were all like, "Holy shit."
The couple started panicking because they had left their 6-year-old daughter with her grandparents back in the city and couldn't reach them with their phones. At some point, we decided it probably wasn't safe to stay in the lodge and thought maybe the public library we saw on Google Maps nearby, which was made of cement, and being the only real other building in this tiny mountain village, would be safer. We figured there might be cops or more people there. Safety in numbers I guess? We also agreed for the driver and couple to drive back and check on their daughter afterward after dropping us off and then for them to come back to the library.
It was ominous driving while looking for the library, there were no street lights at all, it was all pitch black with just the faint dark blue hue of the night sky. This drive to the library was quite a contrast from the joking, bantering and laughing from when we were previously on the way to the lodge. We parked nearby where the library was said to be according the GPS. We stepped out, and it was pitch black outside, very difficult to see where we were going. As we walked up some steps with our phone flashlights looking for an entrance, two heavily armed cops in gas masks pointed rifles at us shining their light from their attached flashlights and yelled at us to put our hands up. They asked if we had seen any zombies and if any one of us had been nearby one or had been attacked. We were like, "Nah, man, we're just trying to find somewhere safe." After some further questioning they eventually let us into the dark entrance of the library.
Inside, it was strange as hell -- dim candlelight everywhere, with people and families sitting and lying on the ground, some silent, some whispering. There was this crabby old librarian in charge of everything, who reminded me of the witch Zeniba from the animated movie Spirited Away. She quietly told us we must stay silent and keep all communication to a whisper or she'll kick us out. The SUV driver guy and the couple decided they were going to drive to the city to check their daughter so they left us here. Anyway, we went to find a spot to sit or lie down, and we tried to rest, but no one could really sleep. One of the friends started panicking out while swaying back and forth hugging his knees, saying loudly that none of his family nor his girlfriend were responding to his texts and calls. The librarian walked over to us, gave us the death stare and hissed, “SHHHH!”
I couldn't sleep, so I started wandering around the library. After what felt like forever, SUV driver guy and the couple came back with their daughter. The wife was in tears brushing her red eyes with her arm, and the little girl looked terrified. The driver friend told us that the wife's parents were dead -- no bodies, just a blood-splattered living room -- but they found the daughter hiding under her bed. They didn't see any zombies but also didn't see any signs of life in the city. It was like everything had been abandoned, with broken windows and trashed cars everywhere.
Then, gunshots echoed near the entrance. People panicked, and the witchy librarian kept going, "SHHHH!" Suddenly, bloodied figures started rushing into the library. It was hard to make out what these things were in the dim candlelight. We heard screams and they started attacking people. We bolted, looking for an exit, but some of our group got tackled and bitten. The librarian showed up in front of us, yelled "this way!", and led us out through a hidden door. It was just me, the friend with the SUV, the couple, their daughter and the old librarian lady left.
As we ran toward the SUV, a zombie out of nowhere tackled the librarian as she shrieked. We tried to get in the car, but another zombie grabbed the wife and pulled her away. The husband went after her, despite us yelling at him it was too dangerous. Both of them were taken down, and the rest of us -- me, the SUV driver guy and the little girl -- drove off, and the girl was sobbing about wanting to go back to see her parents. The SUV driver told her it was too late, and I tried to comfort her.
We had no idea where we were going. We ended up going back to the lodge, figuring it was safer there for the moment. We got to the lodge, pitch black as always and seemingly safe from the zombies so far. I had some peanut butter sandwiches in my travel bag, so I handed them out to everyone. The girl didn't want to eat. I told her we needed as much energy to get through the days and who knows if we'd be able to find food later given the situation, and that her parents would want her to stay strong and healthy. Eventually she started eating.
The SUV driver guy was on his phone and checking Google Maps and saw that the whole country was covered in red spots labeled "MILITARY BASE - SEEK SHELTER HERE." There was a small fort nearby according to the map, and we saw on the map and some images that this military fort was on its own hilltop with steep cliffs connected to the other side via a small one-lane bridge, so we decided to head there thinking it would be safer there than this lodge. When we arrived, it was too dark to see much in this foresty area with dirt paths leading in all kinds of directions, and the GPS as usual wasn't being reliable. The driver decided he would get out to check things out with his phone flashlight. After we saw him walk far into the darkness, we suddenly heard him start yelling. It was horrible, the blood-curdling yelling lasted a while before it died down, and then silence.
I moved to the driver's seat, and waited for a while. But he didn't come back. The girl kept asking where he was. I decided we'd drive around looking for the fort. We eventually found what appeared to be the narrow bridge and the fort on the other side with some lights shining and a steel gate in front, but the bridge's entrance was blocked by makeshift barriers, making it impossible to drive across with the car. I told her we had to get out and walk across the bridge to reach the fort. The girl was nervous, but I reassured her we would be safe. We stepped out of the car and started crossing the bridge. As we were walking across the bridge, I started hearing footsteps behind us. I saw a screeching bloodied banshee-like figure running at us, about to grab the girl. I tackled it preventing it from grabbing the girl, and we both went over the edge of the narrow bridge, falling to our deaths as I watched the girl run across the bridge to make it to safety.
>>90855>No one's going to read thiswrong!
I enjoyed it, I just watched Dawn of the Dead (1978) for the first time in a while last night too so this feels like a synchronicity heh
Did you jolt out of your bed in the end? Whenever I fall in a dream or have something perilous happen I unconsciously bound up like a whole two feet into the air. As an aside, I would like to take Black Wormwood tincture so I can dream vividly again too, but I'm worried that its most common side effect (constipation) will adversely affect my hernia.
>>90867>Did you jolt out of your bed in the end?No, I woke up asking "am I dead?", because falling takes time and I quickly accepted as I'm falling that I'm dead and there's nothing I can do about it. Running away from the zombies was much scarier and that was when I was hoping that if it was a nightmare that it would just end.
My last dream was full of so much bizarre and depraved shit that I'd like to forget about it ASAP. Anyone else ever get this feeling?
>>91830Like gross sexual or morbidly violent stuff you never think about while awake.
>>91831>>91829sperg doesnt understand what a nightmare is
>>91875Nightmares are different. This was like a nightmare without feeling afraid during it.
>>91917Then stop responding, you fat, BBC sissy cunt.
>dream i'm at a train station in germany right after ww2
>the station still has a working engine but faces being shuttered down in the face of everything
>be in a quartet trying to fund enough money keep the station going
>also be part of subversive sa squad that undermines commies/allies at night
>get intel that an ss man who was unable to flee the country in time is coming our way and we're supposed to help him out
>all we have to do is take him to the top floor of a nearby building but we can't do it without causing a lot of enemy attention
>decide to hold a musical act as a distraction
>dream turns into a three-stooges-esque vaudeville act as we try to get the show to go off without a hitch while simultaneously getting the money to keep the station going while simultaneously slipping the ss guy over to the building
>near the end, the commies figure it out and we take sniper fire but manage to get into the building
>we rush up a pretty dilapidated corner stairwell and as we get up to the roof we find outselves in a large concert hall
>music starts up and hitler comes out to tapdance with us, cue big musical score
>dream ends
was chased by a dinosaur last night in my dream on account of all the carbs I ate
I had a dream where someone linked a video on a message board and I opened it. Some guy is fleeing from police because he has contraband or something. It's not a high-speed chase, he's just kind of backing up and turning around a lot and the police aren't boxing him in for some reason. Eventually he pulls the car in front of an office building that's probably about eight stories tall and abandons it to boards a lift. As he's scaling the building with the lift, a woman approaches the window so he stops. I think it was his girlfriend or something, because she willingly gets on the lift with him. The guy then handcuffs her to the lift railing, climbs into the building through the window and presses a button on the lift to make it go up. The woman ended up getting forced through the next story and definitely got her arm dislocated if not entirely torn off. The dream was kinda lighthearted and silly until that point and then it was suddenly very graphic. Luckily sprung awake when the lift started lowering because I really didn't want to see something like the aftermath of an accident on a Chinese construction site.
>>96369>frieren flagdidn't even read
>>96375I like how you're going to fume about me in every thread forever now. No-life loser lmfao.
had a dream about eating a bowl of chicken wings from buffalo wild wings. (boneless)
shit was nice
>>96767what sauce do you like the most? for me it is garlic parm. the spicy are ok too
Does anyone else here take melatonin? It's really useful but the dreams can be very vivid.
>>96919the more vivid a dream is the better
>>96926Oh most definately, in fact it is doubtless.
Had a dream where I went on vacation touring England with someone I attended youth group with and his mom plus one of her friends. We had a nice lunch, then I got separated from them while trying to take a steady photo of some beautiful architecture in the distance and somehow I wound up tardsitting Marley with another random guy. Marley was roaming around a place with a bunch of food vendors trying to sample everything and run. He went behind a counter at one place with a soft-serve machine and filled a glass or plastic dish with ice cream well past its capacity. The guy running the place got mad and then I woke up. Had some other fragmented dreams, but I forgot them. Think there was some recurring thing about seeing a bunch of very ugly Koreans.
Had a dream where me and two other people were being pursued by two men. One of my companions was someone I know irl, the other seemed to be a professional thief.
The two guys cornered us, and we hid behind a hedge but were discovered and drug out. They seemed mad, and got madder still when they discovered the thief had a set of lockpicks.
While they were interrogating him, I looked around the scene for a weapon, and found a rusty hatchet. I lifted it and struck, but the guy (older guy, balding) drew a black sword from his jacket and effortlessly deflected it aside.
He congratulated me on my bravery, and told me to hold the sword. He gave me also a round shield. I held the sword in my left hand and the shield in my right, which I remember thinking was awkward because I am right handed. Before I could switch them, I found myself warped to a new place, a land of ice and snow. The sword turned silver in my hand, and I went off into the new environment exploring. Then I woke up.
>>96934Maybe you'll see him again.
Fell asleep at work and dreamt that I was hired to work security at a mall restaurant by Douglas from Silent Hill 3. My job was me doing absolutely nothing but sitting in the back room staring at a screen. At one point the restaurant got overfilled so they had to bring a large family to use a table that basically used the whole room and I had to try to stay out of the way. It was too hectic so I went out the rear door for some fresh air, which is when Douglas showed up down at the gates by the sitting area, whistling at me to join him. When I did, I woke up.
>>98307You get to sleep at work?
Two dreams during the same sleep: First one, I killed myself by jumping off a building I initially parkoured my way up to. Second one, I was back in high school. Sweet eighteen all over again, final day of school. Class is told that we absolutely need to have our lockers cleared out by today or everything will get tossed. Realize that I procrastinated way too long and my locker is stuffed with school books and personal books. Entire dream is me taking out and separating them, then taking the school books to where they belong. At the end of the day, the teacher is handing out final reviews with parents in attendance. Get called up, teacher and principal show me all the negative written remarks my teachers ever made of me, I say "well it could have been worse", my parents and the teacher and the principal laugh, and then my mom makes this remark about how I pinched pennies by not spending money on lunch so I could instead spend it on books. In wondering how she could possibly know I was doing that, I then realize that I'm not eighteen, that I already graduated, and the dream collapses in on itself right as I start thinking of all the things I could do differently.
>>98326Brother, I do jack shit at work. I'm the only one there and don't have to worry about seeing anybody until maybe the last hour. It's kinda cash money.
>>98327tf do you do? I was thinking of getting a concierge job for similar reasons
Dreamed I was moving out of my rental, but the evil landlord blocked the driveway with hundreds of contractors. Pickup trucks, dump trucks, you name it.
Real life shit creeping into my dreams, smh.
Also remembering now, I had an earlier dream in which I had kinky bdsm sex with an elf woman. Her hair was blood red and she smelled nice. Playful personality. Very beautiful creature.
She said that I wasn't attractive in the slightest, and that I was very plain looking when I asked if she liked me. Made me think, I want to improve myself so I can lay claim to this gorgeous woman.
>>98347>>98348Landlords will be the first to go. Congrats on the tsundere elf gf, very nice.
>>98346I rule an empty warehouse with an iron fist.